UK weather: Met Office issues NEW yellow weather warning just day after two alerts rocked parts of Britain

UK weather: Met Office issues NEW yellow weather warning just day after two alerts rocked parts of Britain

Weather forecast for late May Bank Holiday

GB News
Dimitris Kouimtsidis

By Dimitris Kouimtsidis

Published: 27/05/2024

- 10:28

A yellow weather warning will be in place throughout large swaths of Scotland today

The Met Office has issued a new yellow weather warning as Britons brace for flooding and thunderstorms today.

The warning will be in place from 11am until 10pm and will cover northern and eastern Scotland.

The Met Office said: "Slow-moving heavy showers and thunderstorms may cause flooding and disruption in places."

Slow-moving heavy showers and thunderstorms may cause flooding and disruption across the affected region.

Yellow weather warning, flooding, people getting rained on

Around 30-40mm of rain could fall in just a few hours along with lightning strikes

PA/Met Office

Around 30-40mm of rain could fall in just a few hours along with lightning strikes.

The possibility of flooding is also prevalent in homes and businesses, with some communities facing the prospect of being temporarily cut off due to flooded roads.

This could affect driving conditions, causing delays on the road, as well as train services too.

Those in the worst affected regions are also being advised that fast flowing or deep floodwater could cause danger to life.


Yellow weather warning

The yellow weather warnings will be in place throughout today

Met Office

Met Office expert Dan Harris said: "The focus for heavier showers is expected to transfer to Scotland and possibly northeast England.

"These could be slow moving, the heaviest of which could cause some temporary, localised issues such as flooded roads.

"We are keeping the weather warning situation under review.

"Please keep up to date with the latest warnings and forecasts from the Met Office if you have plans this Bank Holiday weekend."


The heavy rain could case flooding in parts of the country


He added: "Bank Holiday Monday will see brighter, cooler and breezier conditions with scattered showers for England and Wales at first.

"But a steady drying trend from the west is likely. Northern Ireland could well start off fine but cool.

"It will remain settled whilst feeling pleasantly warm in longer sunny spells."

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