Stuart Broad nearly performed retirement U-turn as England cricket icon's father fires warning

Stuart Broad England cricket

Stuart Broad is set to retire from cricket after England's clash with Australia

Jack Otway

By Jack Otway

Published: 31/07/2023

- 11:41

The 37-year-old will be calling it a day after today's fifth and final Ashes Test against Australia

Stuart Broad's father has revealed the England star nearly U-turned on his decision to retire from cricket.

The veteran, who made his debut for his country all the way back in 2007, will be quitting the sport after today's fifth and final Test match against Australia.

Broad's father, Chris, has now spoken to the Daily Mail and revealed his son actually considered staying on - before ultimately deciding to walk away.

"At the start of the season, he was thinking this was going to be his last series," he said.

Stuart Broad Chris Broad England cricket

Stuart Broad's father Chris has opened up on imminent cricket retirement


"But once the series started, he was enjoying it so much that he was unsure.

"I think he acknowledged that in his interviews on Saturday night, when he admitted he only made the decision at 8.30pm on Friday.

"We found out at eight o'clock on Saturday morning when he phoned us to tell us that he was going to announce that this was his last game.

"Because we had already talked about it, it wasn't that emotional for me. I just thought it was sensible.

"When you think about it, it is absolutely the right thing.

"That is easy for me to say, but for him as well, he just feels that he is doing the right thing at the right time.

"It's a brave decision when you are still fit enough to play.

"But he has got to feel in his gut what the right thing to do is, and he has made that decision and I think it is the brave and correct one.

"He loves the occasion and there is no bigger occasion than an Ashes match in England for him to be able to say goodbye. It is brilliant."

Broad is now set to be a commentator for Sky Sports.

The bowling legend, who has taken 600 Test wickets, announced that decision upon confirming his retirement over the weekend.

And Chris has warned his son that he'll need to know his stuff in order to succeed in that field of work.

"Stuart has had an extraordinary career. He wanted to get to 100 Test matches, but to get 67 Test matches over that, and still be bowling as well as he has always bowled, perhaps even better than he has bowled, is just amazing," he said.

"It is testament to his physical fitness and the set-up of the England cricket side that both he and Jimmy Anderson have been able to go on as long as they have done, when so many other bowlers have fallen down the wayside because of injury.

"Jimmy is carrying on amazingly for 41. Those two are just extraordinary animals, they really are.

"Commentating is a different animal altogether. I tried that when I finished playing.

"You've got to know your facts. There are some good commentators around. You have to learn fairly quickly on the job.


Stuart Broad England Ashes

Stuart Broad will go down as an England icon as cricket retirement nears


"But I am sure he will be given every opportunity to learn the process."

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