Nana Akua fears trans athletes could 'kill' female counterparts after basketball clip from America goes viral

Nana Akua fears trans athletes could 'kill' female counterparts after basketball clip from America goes viral

WATCH NOW: Mike Parry blasts trans athlete Emily Bridges as she heads to European Court

Jack Otway

By Jack Otway

Published: 22/02/2024

- 11:34

The gender debate in sport continues to divide opinion

GB News presenter Nana Akua fears a transgender athlete could one day potentially 'kill' a female counterpart unless something is done.

The gender debate in sport continues to rage on and, earlier this week, footage from a basketball match in America went viral.

KIPP Academy, a prep school in Massachusetts, has a trans-identifying biological male basketball player on their girls team.

In a recent fixture against Lowell Collegiate Charter School, the trans athlete injured three girls - with Lowell then forfeiting the game at half time.

Nana Akua

Nana Akua fears for female athletes after a trans basketball star injured three players in America


And Akua, writing for the Daily Mail, has expressed concerns that a female could be killed one day while playing against a trans athlete.

"Just this week, a girl’s high school basketball game in Massachusetts was abandoned after a biological male, identifying as a woman, injured three opposing players," she wrote.

"The offender was over 6ft tall and had a beard.

"Footage shared online shows the man violently ripping the ball out of a young girl’s hands, leaving her sprawled on the floor in agony.

"Asserting biological differences between the sexes isn’t about disempowering the ‘weaker’ gender.

"It’s about keeping them safe. How long before a man competing in sport against women goes too far and someone gets seriously injured or - God forbid - killed?

"Once upon a time, women had to underplay their biological distinctions in order to get on in the world.

"Today, we have to remind men of their physical superiority simply to stop them hurting us."

Riley Gaines has been an outspoken critic of trans athletes.

Gaines previously competed against Lia Thomas, who changed from male to female before dominating college swimming.

And Gaines has also vented her fury, saying on X: "Trans-identified male player for Kipp Academy in MA injured 3 girls before half time causing Lowell Collegiate Charter School to forfeit.

"A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it's called brave.

"Who watches this & actually thinks this is 'compassionate, kind, and inclusive?'"

The Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association's rules say that a 'student shall not be excluded from participation on a gender-specific sports team that is consistent with the student’s bona fide gender identity'.

Their rules also state: “When a school district submits a roster to the MIAA, it is verifying that it has determined that the students listed on a gender-specific sports team are eligible to participate either based on the gender listed on their official birth certificate or based on their bona fide gender identity and that no students are included on the roster solely for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage in competitive athletics.


Trans basketball player America

Footage of a trans basketball player in America has gone viral on social media


"The MIAA shall defer to the determination of the student and the student’s school regarding gender classification.”

Meanwhile, in Britain, Emily Bridges is taking to the European Court as she looks to get a ban on trans athletes overturned.

British Cycling changed their rules last year, meaning transgender participants must compete in an 'open category' instead of against females.

But Bridges believes it is unfair and that new data will support her cause.

“I don’t care if I never compete again – it’s for other people who want to compete and it’s just about what’s right," said Bridges.

Emily Bridges

Trans cyclist Emily Bridges is heading to the European Court in order to overturn the ban by British Cycling


“How many of those studies are done on athletes?

"I have been part of a study, and there is very clear data, and the data will be coming out soon.”

On competing against men in an open category, she added: "Would it be safe for me to compete in an open category?

“I have a past in cycling so I have previous results, people know me.

"But, for another trans woman, who hasn’t competed in the past, if she is trans but is seen by the world as a cis woman, how is it fair to ask her to out herself and compete in an open category? That’s not fair. It’s not safe either."

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