Gary Lineker's brother, 62, knocked out cold after 'protecting female friend in 4am Ibiza brawl'

Wayne Lineker was knocked out

Wayne Lineker was knocked out

Stuart Ballard

By Stuart Ballard

Published: 12/06/2024

- 17:30

Wayne Lineker was filmed hitting the deck hard after a confrontation in the early hours of the morning in Ibiza.

Gary Lineker's brother, Wayne, was on the receiving end of a nasty punch in the early hours of the morning in Ibiza that left him motionless on the floor.

The 62-year-old was filmed in a heated exchange with a small group outside Eden bar at 4am.

He was seen walking towards the group of men with onlookers gathering round before one thug stepped forward and took Wayne by surprise with a single punch.

Wayne immediately hit the floor with the clip ending with him still laying motionless.

Wayne Lineker was knocked out

Wayne Lineker was knocked out


According to The Sun, Wayne decided to confront the group of men after they 'began pestering' one of his female friends.

It's suggested that Wayne and his group tried to leave the scene in a taxi before one of the thugs shut the door of the vehicle before he got into it.

The attacker is said to have 'fled the scene' after Wayne was knocked to the ground.

An onlooker said: "It was horrible - he looked like he could have been dead at one point.

"Wayne just fell on the floor and the man and his friends ran off. He was completely unconscious.

"He wasn't really speaking much when he did eventually come back round.

"I stayed to help him and the police turned up but they weren't there for long and didn't really do much and left quickly."

Wayne was said to have come back around six minutes after being knocked to the floor.

He is then said to have left the scene in a taxi after drawing blood from the punch.

Wayne owns the O Beach club in Ibiza as well as Linker's Bars in Costa Del Sol and Majorca.


Wayne Lineker owns the O Beach club in Ibiza

Wayne Lineker owns the O Beach club in Ibiza


He regularly hosts footballers and sports stars at his beach club in Ibiza, including Manchester City star Jack Grealish.

But he's admitted in the past that he has a strained relationship with his Match of the Day host brother.

Wayne said: "It's not so good to be honest, we don't really speak very often. I'll always be his number one fan."

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