Meghan Markle urged to 'mend fences with her sick father'

Meghan Markle urged to 'mend fences with her sick father'
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 30/05/2024

- 14:42

The Duchess of Sussex is currently not on speaking terms with some members of her family

A royal commentator has urged Meghan Markle to "make amends" with her father before she sets her sights on "changing her image".

The Duchess of Sussex's father, Thomas Markle, has conducted several media interviews over the last few years since she met and married Prince Harry and has been highly critical of his daughter, claiming she hasn't spoken to certain family members for years.

Speaking to GBN America, Daily Mail columnist Maureen Callahan said: "She probably won't listen to the best minds around her.

"This reminds me of our last conversation about Meghan and her inability, for whatever reason, to mend fences with her own sick father.

"I think if she really had any intention of making amends with not just the King and the Prince and Princess of Wales, but with the British people to whom gave her so much goodwill and the wedding.

"Step number one, I think, would be to very quietly make amends with her own father. Show that charity begins at home, and then you make the slow approach to the royals, whom you have so denigrated and accused of terrible things, while you monetised all these accusations.

    "It can't be that they're so terrible that you want nothing to do with them and you could never step foot in the UK again unless it's a luxury Windsor lounge at Heathrow. You may be overreacting.

    "You may have got ahead of your skis a little bit. It's time to get everything right in terms of priorities. The King is very sick. Kate is fighting a battle.

    "This would be no better time for Meghan to swallow some of that humble pie she's cooking up in that kitchen for American Riviera Orchard, which by the way has yet to issue a single piece of merchandise.

    "But I really believe, as we've seen in the past she is congenitally incapable of issuing an apology"


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