Sarah Ferguson lifts lid on Princess Eugenie and Beatrice's reaction to health update

Sarah Ferguson

Sarah Ferguson opened up about her two daughters

Dorothy Reddin

By Dorothy Reddin

Published: 03/06/2024

- 12:16

The Duchess of York announced she had been diagnosed with skin cancer earlier this year

Sarah Ferguson has lifted the lid on Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice's reaction to her health update.

The Duchess of York was diagnosed with breast cancer during a routine mammogram last year, undergoing a single mastectomy.

Then in January this year, Fergie, 64, was found to have malignant melanoma.

In a new interview, the duchess gave a health update, admitting she was told by doctors to avoid the phrase "cancer-free", and is having regular check-ups for any recurrence.

Sarah Ferguson, Princess Eugenie, Princess Beatrice

Sarah Ferguson opened up about Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice


However, the duchess's outlook remains positive.

Fergie said: "I have to be checked regularly and I have to put cream on my face to get out past sun damage, which means big blisters on my face, chest and hands for three weeks.

"But I'm not doing immunotherapy, taking any drugs or doing chemotherapy, for which I'm very grateful."

Sarah opened up about her daughters Beatrice, 35, and Eugenie, 34, and their reaction to their mother's diagnosis.

Sarah, Duchess of York

Sarah, Duchess of York was diagnosed with malignant melanoma earlier this year


She continued to tell Hello!: "I have the most exceptional family and I have an extraordinarily great team and I have an enormous ability to turn to joy.

"I have always brought up my girls to be so honest and frank that they know I’m going to tell it to them straight, however difficult it is.

"So when they said: 'Mummy, tell us the absolute truth – have they got all the cancer out?' and the answer was yes, they knew they were safe."

Speaking about the late monarch, Fergie added: "One of the only people who saw me properly was the Queen [the late Elizabeth II] and before she died, she said: 'Sarah, being yourself is enough.’"

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie

Beatrice and Eugenie have been supporting their mother during her treatment

Sarah FergusonSarah Ferguson also underwent a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery for breast cancer last yearPA

Fergie also stressed the importance of spreading awareness.

She said: "I really don't want people to go through what the past year has meant to me, mentally as well as physically.

"I want readers to think: 'I mustn't wait, I must get screened.'"

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