Royal Family has survived 'much worse' claims royal commentator after dire warning sent

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 16/03/2024

- 14:04

Royal Commentator Michael Cole has said the Royal Family has survived worse after a close friend of Princess Diana claimed the monarch was “perilously close” to its 11th hour.

Richard Kay sent the Monarchy a dire warning in an article published in the Daily Mail, claiming the family needs to get their “act together or lose public confidence”.

However, Mr Cole, told GB News, that although Kay’s concerns are valid, the family has gone through much worse.

Mr Cole told GBNews: “I’ve known Richard Kay for more than 40 years and you couldn’t meet a more down-to-earth, sensible person. Essentially, this is his memo to the royal family over two pages.

“He has listed all the troubles they have had. It should be said Richard was a very, very good friend of Princess Diana - he was the journalist she trusted the most. Unlike the people who have only met Diana for five minutes, Richard has never written a book about it. So he is the most sensible, reliable and authoritative royal writer in British newspapers so we have to take him seriously.

“He does say, in effect, the ship of state is proceeding but is there anyone on the quarter-deck? Who is giving orders, who is in charge? Is it Prince William or Queen Camilia? He raises concern and lists the public mockery which is being aimed at the Royal Family by the press in this country.

“We do have to look at it with hindsight and history, because all of us here, lived through the first week of Septemeber, 1997 - after the terrible death of Diana.

“The atmosphere in London that week was very strange indeed, the queen feared she would be booed when she came down from Balmoral. That thought stayed with her when she went to the Palace and a man came forward to give her some flowers. The Queen went to put them with the other flowers in tribute to Diana until the man said they were for her. At that moment she realised, she wasn’t being ridiculed. That was a real crisis then.

“The greatest crisis, of course, was in 1936, the abdication crisis, so I would only say the Royal family has faced worse things. That’s not to minimise the past week, however, because what has gone on is serious.”


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