Queen's remarks on calamitous blunder left Boris Johnson 'doubly embarrassed'

Queen Elizabeth II

Boris Johnson's was left "double embarrassed" following a conversation with the late Queen Elizabeth II regarding a calamitous blunder.

Svar Nanan-Sen

By Svar Nanan-Sen

Published: 30/09/2024

- 11:55

The former prime minister revealed the anecdote in his upcoming memoir Unleashed

Boris Johnson's was left "double embarrassed" following a conversation with the late Queen Elizabeth II regarding a calamitous blunder.

The former prime minister recounts an incident where the Queen informed him about an RAF F-35 fighter jet falling off an aircraft carrier before he had been officially briefed.

Johnson admits it was "doubly embarrassing" to learn of the incident from the monarch, but praises her well-informed status.

He writes: "It was she who broke it to me that a very expensive RAF F-35 fighter plane had blown a gasket and dropped off its aircraft carrier and into the drink because someone had left a plastic tray over the air intake."

Queen Elizabeth II

Boris Johnson's was left "double embarrassed" following a conversation with the late Queen Elizabeth II regarding a calamitous blunder.


This anecdote highlights the Queen's remarkable ability to stay abreast of current affairs, often surpassing even the Prime Minister's knowledge.

The F-35 crash occurred in November 2021 during routine flying operations.

A leaked video showed the £100 million fighter jet accelerating up HMS Queen Elizabeth's flight deck ramp before the pilot ejected at the top. The aircraft then plunged into the Mediterranean Sea.

A three-week search ensued, requiring significant international cooperation. The Ministry of Defence reported finding the jet in "significant large parts".

Queen Elizabeth II

This anecdote highlights the Queen's remarkable ability to stay abreast of current affairs, often surpassing even the Prime Minister's knowledge.


Investigators later concluded that a plastic rain cover had likely been left on and sucked into the jet's engine, causing the incident.

The F-35s on board HMS Queen Elizabeth are operated by the renowned Dambusters 617 Squadron.

Johnson's memoir highlights the Queen's extensive knowledge beyond current affairs. He praises her "deep personal knowledge, not just of history but of decision-makers".

The former prime minister recalls her ability to instantly recall historical facts and names. He writes: "If I forgot the name of George II's battle or the late prime minister of Zambia, she would immediately snap 'Dettingen' or 'Kenneth Kaunda', like a pub quiz winner."

Boris Johnson

Johnson's reflections offer a rare glimpse into the private interactions between the monarch and her prime ministers.


Johnson's reflections offer a rare glimpse into the private interactions between the monarch and her prime ministers.

His memoir also recounts his final meeting with the Queen, just two days before her passing. During this encounter, they discussed the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The former prime minister mentioned difficulties in persuading India to take a firmer stance against Russia. The Queen responded by recalling a conversation with former Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru from the 1950s.

Johnson praised this as an example of the Queen's "amazing ability to reassure and to contextualise".

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