Princess Beatrice travelled to Sweden with husband Edoardo after royal snub from King Charles

Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice spent the weekend in Sweden's capital city Stockholm as she was absent from Trooping the Colour.

Svar Nanan-Sen

By Svar Nanan-Sen

Published: 18/06/2024

- 10:04

Beatrice has been tipped to have a more important role as the monarchy grapples with a shortage of working royals

Princess Beatrice spent the weekend in Sweden's capital city Stockholm as she was absent from Trooping the Colour.

The Princesses of York is not a working member of the Royal Family but has attended multiple royal engagements this year.

Beatrice has been tipped to have a more important role as the monarchy grapples with a shortage of working royals.

However, King Charles did not invite Princess Beatrice to attend Trooping the Colour or appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony to watch the flypast with senior members of the Firm.

Princess Beatrice

Princess Beatrice spent the weekend in Sweden's capital city Stockholm as she was absent from Trooping the Colour.


Instead, the Princess of York attended the Brilliant Mind conference in Sweden.

Beatrice was invited to the two-day event which is said to "champion the scientists, explorers, artists, thinkers, and innovators who dare to ask the big questions".

Celebrities such as Ellie Goulding, Halle Berry and Reese Witherspoon also took to the stage during the event.

Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi shared pictures of Beatrice at the event on his Instagram story along with the caption: "My brilliant wife".

Princess Beatrice

Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi shared pictures of Beatrice at the event on his Instagram story along with the caption: "My brilliant wife".


Beatrice and her sister Princess Eugenie frequently featured at Trooping the Colour until 2019.

Their father Prince Andrew stepped down as a working member of the Royal Family in November 2019.

In 2022, Queen Elizabeth II decided to only allow working royals on the Buckingham Palace balcony during the Platinum Jubilee.

Before 2020, Beatrice and Eugenie would appear beside extended Royal Family members at the Queen's Birthday Parade.

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie

Before 2020, Beatrice and Eugenie would appear beside extended Royal Family members at the Queen's Birthday Parade.


However, this is unlikely to happen again as King Charles is expected to continue blocking non-working royals from featuring on the Buckingham Palace balcony during the event.

Trooping the Colour is seen as one of the highlights of the royal calendar.

Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie will not take up official working royal duties under King Charles.

However, the sisters did support Prince William at a Buckingham Palace garden party in May.

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