Prince William issues new statement on issue close to his heart: 'I'll continue to do all I can'

​Prince William

Prince William issues new statement on important issue: 'I'll continue to do all I can'

Dorothy Reddin

By Dorothy Reddin

Published: 31/07/2024

- 13:12

The Prince of Wales took to social media with the vital message

Prince William has issued a new statement on an issue close to his heart and that he has supported for many years.

The Prince of Wales became Royal Patron of Tusk in 2005 and has been a powerful advocate for Tusk’s work to support conservation, education and community development across Africa ever since.

Tusk helps drive awareness of the importance of the ranger profession and communicate the challenges that rangers face.

To celebrate World Ranger Day, Prince William, 42, took to social media with an important message.

\u200bPrince WilliamPrince William issues new statement on important issue: 'I'll continue to do all I can'Getty

He wrote: "Every day, rangers are risking their lives to stay one step ahead of poachers.

"They risk intimidation, violence and even death to protect some of our planet's most precious wildlife from being poached to extinction.

"I'll continue to do all I can to raise awareness of their plight and shine a light on their important work. W."

The "W" means the message was directly written by the Prince of Wales, who co-runs his social media with Princess Kate.

Prince William Instagram

Prince William issued the above message on Instagram

Instagram / Prince and Princess of Wales

The Prince and Princess of Wales are currently enjoying their summer holidays with Prince George, 11, Princess Charlotte, nine, and Prince Louis, six.

The young children broke up from Lambrook School earlier this month for the summer.

The family are being tipped to visit King Charles and Queen Camilla at Balmoral Castle in Scotland.

Prince William took a small break from his holiday time to write today's important message on social media.

\u200bPrince William

The Prince of Wales speaks to NPark Rangers and NPark Youth Stewards for Nature (YSN) in Singapore


Prince William and Benson Kanyembo

Tusk Ranger of the Year 2019 Benson Kanyembo, based in Zambia, being congratulated by William at the Tusk Conservation Awards


One fan replied: "Totally agree! Their bravery in facing down armed poachers is incredible."

Another added: "Despite facing huge risks and challenges, they remain steadfast and bravely stand at the forefront of the fight against poaching."

A third commented: "Thank you for highlighting the rangers' bravery. Their work is vital in protecting our wildlife."

Finally, someone posted: "Thinking of all those who risked their lives in order to protect."

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