Netflix has bought Prince Harry’s silence on Diana – Lady Colin Campbell

Lady Colin Campbell criticises Prince Harry and Netflix

Harvey Gough

By Harvey Gough

Published: 03/11/2023

- 14:52

“Harry and Meghan's operation with Netflix is chicken feed compared to to the importance that they placed upon The Crown," said Campbell

Socialite Lady Colin Campbell has hit out at the Sussexes over their silence concerning the upcoming series of Netflix’s The Crown.

The final season of the royal adaptation, the first four episodes of which release on November 16th, is set to feature scenes depicting events surrounding the death of Princess Diana.

Concerns about how the depiction of Diana’s death might be presented were only fuelled by news that the show is set to include Diana returning as a ghost to speak with a mourning Prince Charles.

Lady Campbell commented on the newly revealed details on Patrick Christys’ GB News show, saying “I think Netflix has pulled a very interesting one where Harry is concerned. Netflix has bought Harry's silence and let's wait and see what happens because The Crown has been a huge success for Netflix.

“Harry and Meghan's operation with Netflix is chicken feed compared to to the importance that they placed upon The Crown. And let's wait and see, once this is all done and dusted, how long Harry and Meghan's association with Netflix is going to last, because what they have done is they have bought Harry's silence with, you know, dangling a few million carrots underneath his nose.

“So it's a really interesting dynamic. And I mean, you know, nobody could pay me enough money to betray my parents. But I suppose Harry's a different case.”

Phil Dampier, who was also present for the discussion, weighed in: “We know he's going to watch it, don't we? He said that in the in the Netflix series that he watches The Crown, unlike other members of the royal family. So, you know, he probably has had his silence bought.

“I did say the other week that I thought it would be a good thing if it stuck to the facts, so a new audience would get to know about Diana.


Harry & Meghan Netflix seriesThe Duke and Duchess starred in their own Netflix series last yearPA

“Sadly if they're going to start going into some of the conspiracy theories that she might have been pregnant or she was bumped off, then you know I'm afraid it's a bit of a full on hope.”

Indeed, as well as the scene depicting Diana’s spirit after her death, the show is also set to air theories that the late princess was pregnant at the time of her death and may have been part of an organised assassination attempt.

These theories are to be presented by the character of Mohamed Al-Fayed in the show, whose son Dodi was dating Diana at the time of her death.

Patrick gave his view on this, saying “I know that it's it's a drama but the unfortunate reality is that this gets beamed out around the world and a lot of people just take it as fact.”

The CrownThe Crown will begin airing in NovemberPA

Lady Campbell expressed outrage at the show for bringing prominence to these theories, saying: “She definitely was not bumped off!

“Diana would have survived if she had had on her seat belt. You know, there have been exhaustive inquiries and investigations done and when I wrote my posthumous Diana bio, I spoke to all of the parties concerned, including the doctor who immediately attended to her.

“There's absolutely no doubt that it cannot have been a hit because the only people who knew where the car was headed were the four people in the car.

“Is it realistic that that there were going to be 30 or 40 different sets of people scattered throughout Paris to hit Diana? If she'd had on the seatbelt she'd have survived.”