King Charles and Queen Camilla welcome Emperor and Empress of Japan alongside Prince William

King Charles and Prince William

The King and Queen have formally welcomed the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Royal Pavilion on Horse Guards Parade.

Svar Nanan-Sen

By Svar Nanan-Sen

Published: 25/06/2024

- 12:45

Updated: 25/06/2024

- 13:06

The Emperor, accompanied by King Charles inspected the Guard of Honour, formed of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards with the Band of the Welsh Guards.

The King and Queen have formally welcomed the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Royal Pavilion on Horse Guards Parade.

The Prince of Wales greeted the Emperor and Empress at their hotel before travelling with them in a convoy of cars to Horse Guards Parade.

Following their arrival at Horse Guards Parade, the Japanese national anthem was played before the King and the Emperor inspected the Guard of Honour.

The Emperor then joined King Charles in a carriage while Queen Camilla accompanied the Empress of Japan in a separate carriage along The Mall to Buckingham Palace.

King Charles and Prince William

The Prince of Wales greeted the Emperor and Empress at their hotel before travelling with them in a convoy of cars to Horse Guards Parade.


King Charles

The King and Queen have formally welcomed the Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Royal Pavilion on Horse Guards Parade.


Following a lunch at Buckingham Palace, the King will invite the Emperor and Empress to view a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery of items from the Royal Collection relating to Japan.

The Dean of Westminster will then accompany Their Majesties on a tour of Westminster Abbey.

In the evening, King Charles, Queen Camilla and other members of the Royal Family will attend a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace for The Emperor and Empress of Japan.

Speeches will be made by the King and the Emperor at the beginning of the banquet.

King Charles

This is King Charles's first State Visit since he was diagnosed with cancer.


Queen Camilla

Queen Camilla accompanied the Empress of Japan in a separate carriage along The Mall to Buckingham Palace.


Princess Kate will miss the opening day of the Emperor and Emperess of Japan's State Visit.

Princess Anne has also been ruled out of public appearance after sustaining minor head injuries from a horse kick on Sunday evening.

The Princess Royal cancelled her engagements this week, including a planned trip to Canada after she suffered the injuries.

Anne sustained the injuries and a concussion at her Gloucestershire estate on Sunday during an incident with a horse.

Princess Kate

Princess Kate will miss the opening day of the Emperor and Emperess of Japan's State Visit.


Princess Anne

The Princess Royal cancelled her engagements this week, including a planned trip to Canada after she suffered the injuries.


The King's sister is recovering well, is in a comfortable condition and is being kept in the hospital as a precautionary measure for further observation.

The royal will remain in Southmead Hospital until her medical team advises otherwise.

Buckingham Palace has confirmed that on doctors’ advice, Anne's engagements for this week will be postponed.

They added that the Princess Royal sends her apologies to any who may be inconvenienced or disappointed as a result.

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