Richard Tice

Richard TiceRichard Tice

I grew up in Northamptonshire in a small village surrounded by lovely countryside. I went to boarding school from the age of 8, which builds a level of resilience and independence. I bucked the trend by heading north to Salford University to do a tough 4 year ( incl 1 year in industry) technical degree which enabled me to get a great first job in London in 1987 in the real estate industry.

I worked for two years in Paris in the early 1990s, then in London, where we sold out before the crash in 2008. I was then CEO of a large multinational property group listed on the London stock exchange until 2014, tripling the share price in just 4 years, before I wanted to go more into politics.

The Brexit referendum was the catalyst for a longstanding interest in current affairs, and debating. I always wanted to stay clear of the Euro currency and leave the EU since the mid 1990s.

After we won the referendum I knew immediately there was a problem, so established a lobby group called Leave Means Leave, and was first to coin the phrase “ No deal is better than a bad deal” This group became the key campaing group to promote the cause of Brexit after the referendum.

My proudest year was 2019 when we launched a two week march from Sunderland to London, then helped Nigel Farage set up the Brexit Party to win the European elections and ensure the UK finally left the EU.

I have been Leader of Reform UK ( formerly the Brexit Party) since early 2021, setting out our clear policies to help make UK a better country bay running it properly.


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