Question Time audience shout 'SHAME' at Rishi Sunak as Prime Minister is quizzed on ECHR

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 20/06/2024

- 21:26

Question Time audience members have yelled "shame" at Rishi Sunak after the Prime Minister was grilled on whether he could withdraw the UK from the ECHR.

Rumblings could be heard from the audience in York after Sunak labelled the Strasbourg-based court "foreign".

Sunak said: "If a foreign court, including the European court, forces me to choose between our country's national security and membership of that court, I'm going to choose our country's national security every single time."

Membership of the ECHR has been brought into question after judges slapped down part of the Prime Minister's flagship Rwanda plan.

An audience member later pointed out how Russia and Belarus are not members of the ECHR.

Sunak reiterated his position on the ECHR and received a fresh round of heckles.


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