Kim Leadbeater: Assisted Dying Bill is very robust and gives people a choice

Kim Leadbeater: Assisted Dying Bill is very robust and gives people a choice
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 12/11/2024

- 15:04

The Labour lawmaker Kim Leadbeater has described the Assisted Dying Bill as "very robust", saying the legislation offers layers of safeguards to protect vulnerable people, who some critics fear might feel pressured to end their lives if assisted dying becomes legal.

Assisted dying would only be an option for mentally competent, terminally ill adults with six months or less left to live, as expected, under the proposed new law.

The other safeguards include two doctors confirming seven days apart that the person is eligible and has made their decision free from pressure, while a judge would then speak to one of those doctors before a 14-day period of reflection.


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