Joe Biden lays bare candid sex confession as he shares 'secret' of lasting marriage to Jill

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Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 26/02/2024

- 08:44

The 46th US President tied the knot with wife Jill Biden in June 1977

Joe Biden has made a surprising sex confession as the 81-year-old revealed his “secret” to a long and happy marriage.

A new book has revealed the US President boasted about the energy he puts into his romance with his wife Jill Biden.

Katie Rogers, who covers the White House for the New York Times, claimed Biden regaled his inner circle with marital advice.

The First Lady, who tied the knot with Biden in 1977, previously revealed how she dissuaded him from running for the White House in 2004.

Joe Biden revealed his secret to a long and happy marriage

Joe Biden revealed his secret to a long and happy marriage


Jill, 72, walked into the room wearing nothing but a bikini with “no” written on her stomach.

She told Vogue: “That got his attention. I won’t tell you who [else] was sitting in that room, but they got the message.”

Rogers' book, American Woman - The Transformation of the Modern First Lady, from Hillary Clinton to Jill Biden, also claimed Biden said: “I’d rather be at home making love to my wife while my children are asleep” than run for office.

She added: “Joe may have tamped down on his public bedroom declarations [in] winning the presidency, but he has joked to aides that good sex is the key to a lasting and happy marriage, much to his wife’s chagrin.”


Joe Biden

Joe Biden's comments were pounced upon by his Republican rivals


However, the book also looks into the tragic death of Biden’s first wife Neilia.

Neilia and the couple’s one-year-old daughter Naomi died in a car crash in 1972.

Sons Beau and Hunter survived alongside their soon-to-be Senator father.

Biden would re-marry five years later but it also took five proposals for Jill to agree.

Donald Trump Jr

Donald Trump Jr took to social media to comment on Biden's capacity


Rogers' book claimed Biden said: “I’ve been as patient as I know how to be, but this has got my Irish up. Either you decide to marry me or that’s it – I’m out. I’m not asking again.”

However, revelations about the 81-year-old’s sex life have faced some scrutiny from Biden’s Republican rivals.

Donald Trump Jr, son of Biden’s White House predecessor and likely challenger on November 5, said: “There’s literally no amount of Viagra on earth that’s going to give Joe Biden (who can barely walk without falling over) wood. Just stop!

“The more desperate they become trying to make him seem young and vibrant the more obvious it is to everyone that he’s not up to any task!”