Joe Biden leaves Americans confused as he bizarrely ends speech in Connecticut by declaring 'God save the Queen'

Joe Biden in Connecticut

Joe Biden finished his speech in Connecticut by saying: 'God save the Queen'

Dan Falvey

By Dan Falvey

Published: 17/06/2023

- 15:28

The US President has been accused of a number of gaffes recently

Joe Biden left Americans confused last night when he bizarrely ended a speech by declaring "God save the Queen".

The US President made the strange remarks after giving an address on gun safety in Connecticut.

He had been due to shake hands with those in attendance - something known in America as a 'ropeline' - but was unable to because of poor weather.

Ending his speech, he said: "I will stand in front of each section – no, I really mean it – if you can see the camera they can see you.

"It is the least consequential part of this whole meeting for you, I promise."

Then, as he went to put down his microphone, he added: "All right? God save the Queen, man."

Mocking the President, the hashtag "GodSaveTheQueen" started trending on social media shortly afterwards.

The White House claimed that the common had been made in response to someone in the crowd.

A spokesperson said the president "couldn’t do the full ropeline due to weather, and was commenting to someone in the crowd".

There have been repeated questions about Biden's capability to be leader after a number of gaffe's from the US President.

Earlier this month he confused the job of Rishi Sunak, accidentally referring to him as “Mr President” while holding bilateral talks with the British Prime Minister.

He was quick to correct himself, calling Sunak “Mr Prime Minister” as the latter chuckled at the mishap.

Joe Biden

The US President was giving a speech on gun safety


There were also concerns after he fell on stage during a graduation ceremony on June 1.

White House communications director Ben LaBolt said on Twitter that Biden was fine.

"There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands," he said.