'Outdated' Biden warned he is 'heading for disaster' after POTUS 'snubs' UK-US trade deal

Joe Biden was blasted from 'snubbing' the trade deal

GB News
Gabrielle Wilde

By Gabrielle Wilde

Published: 20/12/2023

- 12:19

Biden blasted for 'killing negotiations' for trade deal

US President Joe Biden could be "headed for disaster" after a trade deal with the United Kingdom has been dropped ahead of the 2024 election.

UK Ministers have given up on signing a trade agreement with the US before the next election, after the Biden administration 'snubbed' it and signalled it had no interest in agreeing one.

It has been reported that British ministers were hoping for a "foundational trade partnership" before both countries head to the polls in 2024 however the talks have now been abandoned.

Discussing Biden's lack of interest in a UK-US trade agreement on GB News Nigel Farage claimed that the US president is "headed for disaster" and his guest Lee Cohen slammed the leader as "outdated."

Nigel Farage and Lee Cohen

The pair discussed Biden's lack of interest in a UK-US trade agreement

GB News

Lee Cohen is a senior fellow of the Bow Group and the Bruges Group and was an adviser on Great Britain to the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee.

Farage said: "The economic relationship between our two countries is huge. America is the biggest foreign investor in the United Kingdom, and still the United Kingdom is the biggest foreign investor in the USA, which is amazing.

"We sort of share a language. Spellings are a bit different, but we share films, music, culture and a history that's had a few ups and downs. We are incredibly culturally close as countries.

"I know we have some differences on agriculture and agricultural methods, but it would appear in the last 48 hours that Biden has literally killed all negotiations on a trade deal."

Joe Biden

Joe Biden has "snubbed" the agreement


Cohen responded: "Indeed, Nigel, after three years of obstruction during the Biden administration in October, it emerged that a modest US-UK trade partnership without commitments on market access would be discussed. That could lead to a more robust bilateral deal.

"But now even that possibility looks remote due to antagonism within the Biden administration, the Democrat-controlled Senate."

He added: "There's so much going on here Democrats, as you say, see Britain as a colonial hangover responsible more for our American sins than for our triumphs

"While Republicans on the whole are pro-British because they still prize the values inherited from Britain that enabled our own ascendance to greatness, Republicans know that our ideological fights against the forces that reject our history and value are the same existential struggles that you were engaged in across the pond.

"As for Biden snubbing Britain, it is personal as well as political.

"So much of President Joe's identity is strongly steeped in outdated anti-British Irish grudge folklore."

Nigel Farage and Lee Cohen

UK ministers have given up on the trade agreement

GB News

The pair also discussed the likelihood of Biden making it through the next election and said that it is "unlikely" that he will be voted in again.

Cohen added that he can't see the Democrats sticking with a man who has "unprecedentedly low popularity ratings".