'What is happening is heartbreaking!' Former US Attorney General says far-left is destroying America

'What is happening is heartbreaking!' Former US Attorney General says far-left is destroying America
GB News
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 21/12/2023

- 16:17

Updated: 21/12/2023

- 16:35

The Supreme Court of Colorado disqualified Donald Trump from running in the 2024 US Presidential election

Former Attorney General in Arizona Mark Brnovich has defended former US President and friend Donald Trump, as he accused the American justice system of an "assault on our institutions".

This follows a ruling this week by the Colorado Supreme Court, which balloted to disqualify Trump from running in the 2024 Presidential election.

The Supreme Court made the decision after implementing Section 3 of the US Constitution's 14th Amendment for the very first time.

The justices reading out the ruling stated that they "do not reach these conclusions lightly", and are "mindful of the magnitude and weight of the questions now before us".

Mark Brnovich

Mark Brnovich defended Donald Trump following a recent Supreme Court ruling in Colorado

GB News

Reacting to the disqualification, Donald Trump hit out at current President Joe Biden and accused him of being "crooked".

Trump said at a rally this week: "It's no wonder crooked Joe Biden and the far left lunatics are desperate to stop us by any means necessary. They are willing to violate the US Constitutions at levels never seen before in order to win this election. Joe Biden is a threat to democracy."

Speaking to Brnovich on GB News, host Nigel Farage said that the American legal system has become "so tribal and so divided".

Nigel asked Brnovich: "Is it right for courts up to the supreme level to effectively have political appointees or for people to get voted at local areas on the basis of their party colour?"

Brnovich revealed: "I was not only the elected Attorney General in Arizona, I'm a former federal prosecutor. I was a state gang prosecutor.

"I know a lot obviously about the American justice system, and what is happening is heartbreaking to me because I think what's happening is we're seeing an assault on our institutions.

"And I think the far left, what they've done is they've adopted a strategy that the ends justifies the means.

"And so essentially, they look at Donald Trump as the devil, and they're going to do everything they can to essentially disenfranchise half of America in order to prevent him from even running."

Donald Trump

The Supreme Court of Colorado disqualified Donald Trump from running in the 2024 US Presidential election


Brnovich then referenced William Roper's book on the life of Thomas More, and the Marxist beliefs of the devil, comparing the text to the current dispute between Donald Trump and the US government.

Brnovich explained: "I couldn't help but think on my way over here of the man for all seasons. Thomas More gets in this debate with Roper, and Roper basically says what would what would you be willing to do in order to get the devil?

"And Roper talks about the fact that he's willing to cut down all the laws in order to get the devil. And Sir Thomas More reminds him that once you get rid of all the laws, there's nothing going to be there to hold you when the wind blows. And essentially, the devil will still be there.

"And so I think that there's actually a very good lesson from British history about how the ends cannot justify the means. And quite frankly, that's an old Marxist trope."

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