Arnold Schwarzenegger accuses Biden of 'f***ing up every US city' in savage attack

Arnold Schwarzenegger attends a conversation with Ryan Holiday at 92nd Street Y on October 10, 2023

Georgina Cutler

By Georgina Cutler

Published: 13/10/2023

- 14:58

Updated: 13/10/2023

- 15:43

Democratic support is concentrated in many of America's largest cities, including New York and Chicago

Arnold Schwarzenegger has claimed Joe Biden's Democratic Party want to "f**k up every city in America" in an explosive discussion about the state of American politics.

Schwarzenegger, 76, who served as California's Governor after a career as a bodybuilder and actor, made the remark during a recent instalment of SiriusXM’s 'Literally! With Rob Lowe'.

When asked what it means to be a Democrat, he said: "Ruin your cities.

“That’s what the Democrats would say. We are about ruining the cities.


Arnold Schwarzenegger added that he had 'no idea' why Biden's colleagues allegedly support this


"We want to f**k up every city in America. That seems to be the theme right now.”

Schwarzenegger added that he had "no idea" why Biden's colleagues allegedly support this.

Lowe also asked the 76-year-old star what it means to be a Republican.

He led into the discussion by noting that former Rep David Drier, characterised the party’s platform as consisting of “in no particular order, strong military, low taxes, less government, more personal freedoms,” before adding that he had forgotten to mention one other.


“Strong law enforcement,” Schwarzenegger replied.

The actor has previously been outspoken on a number of issues, including climate change, the Capitol riot and masking during the pandemic.

Recently, Schwarzenegger called for comprehensive immigration reform and a secure border.

“You have to really have comprehensive immigration reform, and you have to look at this immigration problem in a comprehensive way," he told The View.

Senator Dianne Feinstein meets with California Governor-Elect Arnold SchwarzeneggerSchwarzenegger served as California's Governor from 2003 for eight yearsReuters

"You can, first of all, I believe very strongly in having a border that no one can get through. That’s number one for me.

“Number two, what is important is that we have visas available for people that want to work in the United States, so they don’t have to work illegally. It is bogus, we need the workers here."

Schwarzenegger served as the 38th governor of California from 2003 for eight years.