Susan Hall eviscerates 'misogynist' Sadiq Khan: 'He's anti women!'

Sadiq Khan/susan Hall
Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 02/10/2023

- 11:54

Updated: 02/10/2023

- 12:22

The Conservative mayoral candidate said: 'He is anti-women. I mean I'm at the butt of it most of the time. I mean he is a misogynist. It is without doubt.'

Susan Hall has eviscerated Sadiq Khan saying he is a "misogynist", accusing him of failing to support women in his policies.

She told GB News he is "not protecting women in any which way or form" and accused him of being "anti-women" in his attitude.

Speaking about their interactions in debates and the workplace, Hall said: "He is anti-women. I mean I'm at the butt of it most of the time. I mean he is a misogynist. It is without doubt."

She added: "If you look at his policies he is not protecting women in any which way or form - and he absolutely must.

Hal claimed he is "not protecting women in any which way or form" and accused him of being "anti-women" in his attitude


"I mean, so many women feel very nervous at being on the streets now, very anxious, and this has got to change.

"Women are frightened of going out now, and they're holding their keys between their hands.

"The girls in my office do it. We shouldn't feel that way. We should feel safe."

Speaking about what she would do for women in London, Hall said: "We need more police on the street. We need to find out whats happening with these extra officers and see where we go from there.

"Policing is my passion and I will put 100 per cent into it, and I will win on May 2 and I will make things better there is no doubt about it."

Hall admitted that it may take time for the police to restore public trust in the wake of incidents such as the murder of Sarah Everard.

Speaking to GB News at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, she added: "We've just got to bring back trust and confidence and I think we will when we get more people on the street.

"When people feel more confident when they go out and when people know there is a police force out there that really cares about them - and I think that will come when they see more police officers on the street, and they engage with people.

"It won't happen overnight, of course not. But we need to set it in the right direction.

"It has been spiralling down under Sadiq Khan - things are getting worse. You saw those figures - 30 per cent increase in violent crime. 40 per cent on sexual crime.


Susan Hall at the Big London Debate

Hall promised to "put things right in London"


"We've got to put it right. And I will put it right, from May 3 onwards."

Addressing the Big London Debate on the fringes of the Tory Conference earlier in the day, Hall promised to "put things right in London".

The Conservative mayoral candidate said she would reverse the Ulez expansion on day one, and put more police on the streets.

A source close to Khan told GB News: "This is a nonsense attack from the Tories who are desperate to distract from their own record, and Susan Hall’s offensive views.

“Sadiq has been a proud feminist in City Hall, leading the way in areas such as equal pay, combatting violence against women and girls, and introducing ground-breaking policies supporting women with the menopause in the workplace.

“It's even more ridiculous coming from Susan Hall who has proudly declared that she isn't a feminist.”

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