Nigel Farage's Reform UK set to win THIRTEEN seats in shock exit poll forecast

Nigel Farage's Reform UK set to win THIRTEEN seats in shock exit poll forecast

Nigel Farage's Reform UK set to win THIRTEEN seats in shock exit poll forecast

Jack Walters

By Jack Walters

Published: 04/07/2024

- 22:09

Updated: 05/07/2024

- 05:49

GB News' vote share prediction expects Reform UK to pick up 17 per cent of the vote

Nigel Farage's Reform UK looks on course to pick up 13 seats as Labour wins a landslide majority, an exit poll has revealed.

The populist party, which was hoping to make an electoral breakthrough, looks set to outperform Ukip's 2015 performance.

Farage spectacularly announced his candidacy in Clacton just a few weeks before polls opened this morning, leading to support for Reform UK to soar.

GB News' vote share prediction expects Reform UK to pick up 17 per cent of the vote, just eight-points behind the Tory Party.

Nigel Farage's Reform UK set to win THIRTEEN seats in shock exit poll forecastNigel Farage's Reform UK set to win THIRTEEN seats in shock exit poll forecastPA

Ukip received 12.6 per cent in 2015, with Douglas Carswell clinging onto Clacton but Mark Reckless losing in Rochester & Strood.

Responding to the exit poll, Reform UK leader Nigel Farage said:“It’s been amazing.

"We’ll see what happens but if that’s the result that would be a massive first step for this — I’m going to call it a movement — a political party is only part of what we’re all about.

“This is a movement to represent ordinary folk, the silent majority."

Reform UK is fielding a number of high-profile candidates alongside Farage, including ex-Tory MP Lee Anderson in Ashfield and former leader Richard Tice in Boston & Skegness.

Labour looks poised to secure a 170-seat victory, with 410 seats.

However, it appears to have fallen slightly short of some opinion polls, with Tony Blair's 1997 landslide seeing 418 MPs returned to the House of Commons.


The Tory Party is bracing for its worst electoral performance since 1906, with Rishi Sunak clinging onto just 131 seats.

Reform UK's breakthrough would appear to suggest a major fragmentation of the centre-right vote across much of England and Wales.

Tory insiders were particularly worried about the rise of Reform following Farage's return to frontline politics.

Following the release of tonight's damning exit poll, a Conservative source told GB News: "I hope Reform voters regret what they have done."

However, the populist party was also hoping to take the fight to Labour across Brexit-backing seats in the Red Wall.

Nigel Farage

Nigel Farage


Sir Ed Davey has seemingly mounted a centrist surge, with the Liberal Democrats jumping to 61 seats.

However, the Scottish National Party is also preparing for a torrid result north of the border.

The SNP is expected to drop from 48 seats to just 10.

Plaid Cymru is expected to pick up four seats, with the Greens making a gain to take its total up to two.

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