'We are still fighting!' Michael Gove hits back at claims Tories have accepted defeat

'We are still fighting!' Michael Gove hits back at claims Tories have accepted defeat
Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 20/06/2024

- 13:53

MICHAEL Gove has said that he is not convinced opinion polls predicting a Tory election wipe-out are correct and is optimistic about the party’s chances.

The former Levelling-up Secretary, however, also warned of the dangers of Labour winning a super-majority.

Gove told GB News: “It's not easy reading…the first thing is that, of course politicians look at polls and we all draw conclusions from polls, but there's still two weeks left and in those two weeks, we are still fighting for every vote.

“So, making arguments about the issues that really matter, such as tax…but the other thing also is, if these polls, which are just snapshots at the moment, if they do turn out to be accurate, it does raise a big worry which is what happens if Labour have a super-majority?

“What would an unchecked Labour government without a strong opposition do? What in their arrogance might they do in order to either rig the electoral system, stack public bodies, or shift this country in a way which is actually a sort of an over-interpretation of their mandate?”

He continued: “I very much hope that people will vote Conservative and there are sound policy reasons for doing so, whether that's our record on education, or the prospect of future tax cuts, whether that's the investment that we've made in defence, or the economic growth that will come as a result of the business policies that we're putting forward.

“I want to make and am making whenever I can, that strong case and certainly when I am with Conservative candidates out in the field, people are responding to the case that they are making.

“I feel a sense of optimism about that but at the same time, there are these opinion polls, and you entirely understandably asked me about them. And so my point is, well I'm not convinced they’re right.

“I really think it is possible that we can do significantly better than these polls indicate.

“You asked me a fair question about them, I've got to say, well, if they are accurate, then I fear the consequences.”

He added: “I guarantee you this, if we win the election, which I hope we do, then Rishi will definitely be in Number 10 this September and for years to come.”

Asked why he was stepping down as an MP, he said: “I think what our party needs is, like all parties, it needs renewal.

“That's what I think, that the next generation of Conservative leaders people like Claire Coutinho, Laura Trott, Kemi Badenoch, they are the people who will carry the torch forward.

“I will do everything I can to support them, but it's time for that generation alongside Rishi Sunak to revive, renew and re-energise the Conservative Party for its next phase in government.”

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