'Simply not true!' Lord Frost SHUTS DOWN claims Brexit is failing: 'I'm slightly driven mad'

'Simply not true!' Lord Frost SHUTS DOWN claims Brexit is failing: 'I'm slightly driven mad'

Lord Frost GB News at the ARC Conference in London

GB News
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 02/11/2023

- 08:34

Updated: 02/11/2023

- 15:13

Lord Frost said Britons 'should be excited about Brexit, not mired in gloom'

Former Brexit Chief Negotiator Lord David Frost has admitted he is "driven mad" by claims that the UK's exit from the EU has failed.

Speaking to GB News presenter Nana Akua at the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) Conference in London, Frost said comments from critics is "simply not true".

Lord Frost played a key role as Chief Brexit negotiator in the years leading up to the UK's eventual exit from the European Union in January 2020.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson was the leader responsible for taking the UK out of the union, after failed attempts by his predecesor Theresa May.

Lord David Frost speaks to GB News at the ARC Conference

Lord David Frost says he is 'driven mad' by Brexit skeptics

GB News

When asked by Nana for this thoughts on how the UK has coped outside of the EU, Frost said: "I'm slightly driven mad by this assumption that seems to be around that Brexit is failing.

"You talk to so many people and they will say this to you, and it is simply not true."

Frost went on to defend the UK economy and the success of the nation without Europe, stating: "Britain was the fastest growing economy, big economy in Europe in 2021 and 2022. We've seen the ONS revise the statistics.

"Our trade is the biggest it's ever been."

Praising the UK's growth, Frost declared the UK has "a whole set of new reforms that have come through after Brexit".

He added: "The truth is we changed this country's entire economic model, took it out of a customs union, took it out of a single market, changed so much about the way we run it, brought democracy back home.

"You can't even see any of this in the growth figures, and all of those people who said it was an inevitable disaster, we'd have a recession, everything will go wrong, it's simply not proven to be the case.

"And I just wish the government would talk about that and say it a bit more rather than kind of giving in the whole time to those who say it's all being a bit, it's all being a bit of a waste of time."

Lord David Frost speaks to GB News at the ARC Conference in London

Lord David Frost said Brexit 'should not be mired in gloom'

GB News

Nana agreed with Frost, replying: "I don't know why they don't do more and show more about how in a way a success it has been, because we now have the freedom to move and also we can work with other countries without having to get the permission of the EU.

"And this is great, especially with the African countries that we can work with. If anything people called it racist, it's this is that. It isn't. We're opening the door to countries that aren't necessarily full of mostly white people."

Frost chimed in in agreement with Nana's take, saying: "I've talked to quite a few people from African countries at this event in the last 24 hours, and almost without exception they wanted to talk about trade relationship between Britain and the UK and how there are new opportunities after Brexit.

"I know that will sound a bit implausible to people as a kind of normal subject to conversation, but that's really what that they are have been interested in and we absolutely can deliver on that.

"Brexit is about bringing democracy back home, running our own affairs, taking our own decisions and we can now do that and we should be excited about that as a country, not mired in gloom about it."

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