Labour’s Pat McFadden speaks out on general election: ‘Don’t want to make predictions’

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 05/05/2024

- 10:09

LABOUR’S performance in key seats during the local elections shows bodes well the coming General Election but there is more work to do, according to the party’s National Campaign Coordinator.

Pat McFadden told Camilla Tominey on GB News: “On share of the vote, what we look for is the map, the electoral map of what's happening in the key seats.

“You mentioned that one in Blackpool, but if I look at other key constituencies that will be decisive in the General Election, places like Nuneaton, or Milton Keynes, or Thurrock, or Cannock, we're doing well in these places in a way that we haven't for some years.

“You can boost your share of the vote just by piling up votes in places where you're already strong, but it doesn't actually win you anything extra because you're already winning there.”

He continued: “So the thing that we really look at is the map. But the second point I would make is I'm the first person, as the party's election coordinator, to see there's more work to do when it comes to that General Election.

“I don't want to make predictions because not a single vote has been cast in it. And what I would say is the really good local election results that we've had have given us a sense of belief that we haven't had for many years.

“But we know we've still got work to do to win the trust of the British people to stop the chaos that we've seen in recent years and turn the page on the Tory years and that's what we'll be trying to do between now and whenever the Prime Minister calls the General Election.”

Asked about coalition deals with other parties, he said: “ We're not thinking about deals of that kind with anyone. We are aiming to get a majority government because the country needs stability after the chaos of the Tory years.

“We will represent that stability, turning the page on that chaos. And that's the case that we’ll take to the public between now and the election.”

He said the Tories made a mistake in the election for London Mayor: “Elections are often heated, I'm very relieved and pleased that Sadiq Khan won. I thought he always would win. I never believed any of this panic that thought he was in serious jeopardy.

“The big question I think about this is if the Tories really thought they had a chance in London, I think they should have taken it more seriously.

“I don't want to be unkind about anyone, but I don't think if you were taking it really seriously that Susan Hall would have been the candidate.

“I can't understand why they thought if they had a real chance that they picked her to run, so I'm pleased and relieved that Sadiq has won and we can turn the page on that now and he can continue with an unprecedented third term.”

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