Shocking poll shows Reform surging ABOVE Tories among key demographic for Sunak and Starmer

Shocking poll shows Reform surging ABOVE Tories among key demographic for Sunak and Starmer
Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 06/06/2024

- 07:22

Updated: 07/06/2024

- 07:43

GB News will bring you all the latest updates from Westminster as the UK 2024 General Election approaches

  • Reform UK has overtaken the Tories among over-55s, new polling suggests
  • Treasury Minister hits back at Rachel Reeves over tax claims
  • Emily Thornberry dubs Sunak a 'liar'
  • Sunak blasted by Ed Davey for accepting further donations from Frank Hester
  • Three quarters of voters believe UK in worse state now than in 2010 - new poll

Nigel Farage's party is more popular than the Tories among a key demographic, new polling suggests.

The survey by Redfield & Wilton puts Nigel Farage’s party on 19 per cent of the vote among those aged 55-64 and 65+.

The poll of 2,000 adults shows the Conservatives on 14 and 17 per cent among the age groups respectively.

However, the total result of the new poll places Farage’s party at 17 per cent and the Tories on 19 per cent when considering all age groups.

It comes after Farage hit out at Rishi Sunak, accusing him of "ducking out" of a D-day event. He claimed the PM flew back to the UK to campaign."

Taking to social media, the Reform UK leader said: "The Prime Minister has ducked out of the international D-Day event to fly back to the UK to campaign."

He added: "I am here in Normandy in a personal capacity because I think it matters. Does he?"

Sunak appeared in Normandy earlier today for the UK's commemoration event to mark the 80th anniversary of the landings.

Addressing the audience, Sunak told D-Day veterans: “We owe you everything”, adding that they “taught generations of young people about the horrors of war”. The Conservative Party has been contacted for comment.



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Former Tory MP predicts 'annihilation' of Conservatives

Nadine DorriesThe by-election was called after Nadine Dorries resigned over the summerPA

Ex-Tory Nadine Dorries has suggested the party is facing "annihilation" and might "disappear".

The former culture secretary said the blame lies with Rishi Sunak for not paying attention to Reform and UKIP.

Dorries has been a critic of Sunak since she failed to get an honour on Boris Johnson's resignation list.

Reform overtakes Tory Party among key demographic, latest poll suggests

A survey by Redfield & Wilton puts Nigel Farage’s party on 19 per cent of the vote among aged 55-64 and 65+.

The poll of 2,000 adults shows the Conservatives on 14 and 17 per cent among the two respective age groups.

The latest poll places Farage’s party at 17 per cent overall and the Tories on 19 per cent.

Reform UK just ONE point behind Tories in latest election poll

Nigel FarageNigel Farage was speaking at a Reform UK conference PA

Rishi Sunak is now just one percentage point above Nigel Farage, according to a Focaldata poll shared with POLITICO.

The latest statistics show the Prime Minister with 20 per cent in front of the Reform leader with 19 per cent.

Labour chief Keir Starmer is ahead of both on 41 per cent.

Lib Dems would introduce cap on party donations if elected, Daisy Cooper says 

Daisy Cooper

The Liberal Democrats will include a pledge to introduce a cap on donations to political parties in their manifesto, the party has announced


The Liberal Democrats will include a pledge to introduce a cap on donations to political parties in their manifesto, the party has announced.

It comes after party leader Sir Ed Davey urged the Tories to return donations from Frank Hester, a businessman who was embroiled in a racism row, as Electoral Commission data showed he handed them another £5 million.

The Lib Dems’ proposals would see the limit for political donations set at £25,000, encouraging parties to source a wider number of donors.

The party would also establish an independent commission to determine the amount of funding the political parties should receive.

Deputy leader Daisy Cooper said: “Rishi Sunak’s promise to govern with integrity will ring hollow with voters.

“His party has continued to accept millions and it’s high time that we banned the wealthiest buying power and influence over the Conservative Party.

“The past few years have proven that our political system is broken – and Liberal Democrats will fix it. It’s time to take big money out of politics.”

Green Party deputy is former hypnotherapist who claimed he could help women increase their breast size

The deputy leader of the Green Party previously claimed he could use hypnotherapy to help women increase the size of their breasts

X/zack polanski

The deputy leader of the Green Party previously claimed he could use hypnotherapy to help women increase the size of their breasts.

Zack Polanski, a hypnotherapist, is said to have tested the approach, which involves women picturing themselves with larger breasts while in a state of hypnosis.
At the time, he said he could see it becoming popular "very quickly" because it is "so safe and a lot cheaper than a boob job".

Since then, he has apologised for the practice and distanced himself from his remarks. He also said he did not charge for the service.

Labour frontbenchers quietly demand Reeves hike up tax on Britons

\u200bRachel Reeves

Rachel Reeves is under pressure from her Shadow Cabinet to raise capital gains tax at an autumn budget as part of an attempt to revive public services


Rachel Reeves is under pressure from her Shadow Cabinet to raise capital gains tax at an autumn budget as part of an attempt to revive public services.

Members of the shadow cabinet are said to want Reeves to increase rates of capital gains tax (CGT) in order to raise money. The Shadow Chancellor has ruled out raising income tax, national insurance and VAT.

A source told the Guardian: "Rachel has between 10 and 12 measures she is looking at which she hasn’t yet announced, all of which will raise small pots of money, with the ambition they should add up to something all together."

A Labour spokesperson said: “We have fully costed, fully funded plans, and have set out the specific tax loopholes we would close to bring in an immediate injection of cash into our public services.

"Nothing in our plans requires any additional tax to be increased and there will be no return to austerity if Labour are elected on 4 July.”

Keir Starmer branded 'out of touch' over NHS comments in leadership debate: 'I don't believe a word!'


Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been labelled as "out of touch" following this week's leadership debate, where he made personal claims about the NHS


Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been branded "out of touch" following this week's leadership debate, where he made personal claims about the NHS.

When asked by moderator Julie Etchingham if either leader would use private healthcare if the waiting lists were too long, Starmer was adamant that he would not.
Offering a simple answer, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said "yes" he would.

Starmer told ITV's leadership debate: "No, I don't use private health. I use the NHS, where my wife works."

Addressing the remarks on GB News, commentator Adam Brooks criticised the Labour leader and admitted he "doesn't believe a word" of what he said during the debate.


Lib Dems 'don't share any values' with Nigel Farage, says Ed Davey

Ed Davey

The Liberal Democrats “don’t share any of the values of Nigel Farage”, leader Sir Ed Davey said when asked about his return to frontline politics


The Liberal Democrats “don’t share any of the values of Nigel Farage”, leader Sir Ed Davey said when asked about his return to frontline politics.

Pressed on whether he had any concerns over the new Reform UK leader standing for Parliament, Davey told the PA news agency: “I and the Liberal Democrats don’t share any of the values of Nigel Farage, and I’ll let the Conservatives worry about their problems.

“What I’m clear about is our Liberal Democrat ideas on the NHS and care, on tackling the sewage scandal, on the cost of living, they are attracting Conservative voters as well.

“We are finding lots of lifelong Conservatives switching to us. They aren’t really attracted by Nigel Farage’s ideas.”

Speaking during a campaign visit to the village of Lacock in Wiltshire, Davey added: “The Liberal Democrats in this election are putting forward costed, practical policies that I think will actually appeal to people who previously voted Conservative.”

Sunak slammed for accepting another £5 million donation from Frank Hester

Sir Ed Davey

Rishi Sunak should “hang his head in shame” for accepting another £5 million donation from Frank Hester, Ed Davey said


Rishi Sunak should “hang his head in shame” for accepting another £5 million donation from Frank Hester, the businessman who was embroiled in a racism row, Liberal Democrats leader Sir Ed Davey has said.

Speaking on a campaign visit to Wiltshire, Davey said: "I don’t know how low the Conservatives are going to go – and this is the fault of Rishi Sunak.

“Why did Rishi Sunak take this donation? He took it after the previous scandal around Frank Hester and he went ahead.

“I think lifelong Conservative voters will be appalled by this. I think all those other people donating money to the Tory party should ask for their donations back. Rishi Sunak should hang his head in shame.”

Asked whether the Prime Minister should hand the cash back, Davey said: “Of course he should.

“And it shows we need to reform the law. The Liberal Democrats have long argued that the way political donations work in this country is wrong. There should be caps on donations. We need to reform it. This undermines our democracy.

“And I hope that if anything good comes from this appalling behaviour by Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives, the next parliament will reform the way politics is funded in this country. It’s just wrong.”

Three quarters of voters believe UK in worse state now than in 2010

Almost three-quarters of voters in the UK believe Britain is now in a worse state than it was in 2010, when the Tories returned to power, a new poll has shown.

The YouGov survey, conducted between May 29 and May 30, saw 73 per cent of people say things are now worse.

Just eight per cent said the UK is now in a better state. Seven per cent said it is somewhat better and one per cent said much better.

A majority of 2019 Tory voters - 59 per cent - said worse and 16 per cent said better.

Scottish Tories blasted by SNP for 'indefensible' treatment of David Duguid

SNP campaign chief Stewart Hosie said the way David Duguid has been treated by the Scottish Tories was “indefensible”.

Following Ross's statement, he said: “This is a day of shame for the Tories, with three-jobs Douglas Ross taking a seat from David Duguid to keep his third salary at Westminster.

“The way the Tories have treated Mr Duguid is indefensible. The nasty party just got nastier.

“People in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East deserve a dedicated, full time MP and local champion. That’s what SNP candidate Seamus Logan will be.”

Ross says he will 'beat the SNP' 

Ross said he “intends to beat the SNP” in the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East seat, which is formed by part of his former Moray constituency following boundary changes.

He said: “I will stand in the seat and I intend to beat the SNP, just as I’ve done in the past, so we can get focused on the top priorities of local people."

Those issues, including employment, the NHS and roads, will be “key” to Mr Ross for the next five years if he is elected.

“I fully expect the SNP to throw absolutely everything they’ve got at me,” he said.

“They will mobilise teams from the central belt to come north and deliver leaflets.

“John Swinney will pay the area a rare visit, SNP headquarters in Edinburgh will pour money into Aberdeen North and Moray East.”

But, he added, if local people “come together”, the Tories can “keep the Nationalists out”.

Ross confirms his intention to stand as MP at hastily organised press conference

Douglas Ross

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross confirmed he intends to stand at the General Election


Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross confirmed he intends to stand at the General Election.

Speaking during a hastily arranged press conference on Thursday, Ross said he would seek the nomination for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East.

David Duguid, who was due to be the candidate for the seat, developed “significant health issues” in recent weeks, Ross told the assembled journalists.

He said: "Over the last 12 hours, I have thought long and hard about this and considered the options.

“I’ve spoken with my wife, my family, colleagues and local members.

“I’ve decided I need to lead from the front, so this evening I will put myself forward for nomination as Scottish Conservative candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East.”

Douglas Ross to stand as MP at General Election

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross is thought to be planning to stand at the General Election.

Ross will seek the nomination for the Aberdeenshire North and Moray East seat despite announcing he would not run again for Westminster to focus on his duties at the Scottish Parliament, sources told PA.

It comes as David Duguid, the former MP for Banff and Buchan, said on Wednesday he had been barred from standing by the party due to ill health.

Ross has called a snap press conference in Edinburgh, where he is expected to announce his intentions.

We're being straight forward on tax, hits back Treasury Minister

\u200bTreasury Minister Bim Afolami

Treasury Minister Bim Afolami has accused Labour of ‘wanting to hide’ planned tax rises.


Treasury Minister Bim Afolami has accused Labour of ‘wanting to hide’ planned tax rises.

Speaking on GB News Bim Afolami said: "Frankly, the Labour Party, if they had been honest with people in the debate yesterday, if Keir Starmer had been honest with people, or indeed, if they were honest with people before or after the debate, they wouldn't be in the trouble that they're in.

"It's because they want to hide the fact that they are planning over £2000 of tax rises for working families. And that is wrong.

"The shadow Chancellor is not being straight. She has had every opportunity over the last four years or so to set out her plans for the tax rises that they're planning for the British people that we have clearly documented is going to be just over £2000 per working family."


Prime Minister is a 'liar who demeans his office' says Labour's Emily Thornberry

Labour's Emily Thornberry has branded Rishi Sunak a “liar” who “demeans the office of Prime Minister”, following comments he made during last night’s election debate.

The Shadow Attorney General told GB News: “After 14 years of the Conservatives, we have the longest waiting lists that the NHS has ever had. Go figure.

“We've had a Prime Minister who told us that waiting lists were dropping, he lied. He told us that the number of people coming in on boats had gone down. He lied.

“He told us that Labour was going to increase taxes. He lied.

“Unfortunately, we have a Prime Minister who is a liar and he demeans the role of the office of Prime Minister.”


'I'm not worried!' Tory Minister insists Reform UK's 'rubbish' as poll shows gap down to just two-points

Nigel Farage on Gold Beach in Arromanches in Normandy, France, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Nigel Farage on Gold Beach in Arromanches in Normandy, France, to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.


Tory Minister Bim Afolami has insisted he is not "worried" about the threat from Reform UK just hours after a new opinion poll revealed the populist party is just two-points behind Rishi Sunak's Conservatives.

Afolami told Sky News: “Honestly? I’m not particularly worried about Reform. Should I tell you why? I’m not worried about Reform because they don’t have a plan for reforming anything.”

He added: “It’s easy to shout from the sidelines, if you’re Nigel Farage or anybody else, to shout and say ‘all of the parties, all of the established parties, they’re rubbish’.

“It’s easy to do that. They haven’t put out a plan for anything. Frankly, at least in the days of Ukip, they actually had a policy. These guys don’t even have a policy.”

The Economic Secretary to the Treasury made the comments after YouGov put Tory support down to just 19 per cent, with Reform UK up to 17 per cent.

The pollster put Labour well-out in front, hitting 40 per cent support.

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