General election CONFIRMED: Rishi Sunak officially launches Tory campaign as he slams Starmer for 'taking UK back to square one'

General election CONFIRMED: Rishi Sunak officially launches Tory campaign as he slams Starmer for 'taking UK back to square one'

WATCH: Rishi Sunak announces snap election for July 4

Millie Cooke

By Millie Cooke

Published: 22/05/2024

- 15:38

Updated: 24/05/2024

- 14:14

GB News will bring you all the latest updates from Westminster in the wake of the PM's shock general election announcement

Additional reporting by George Bunn

Rishi Sunak has called a general election for July 4, saying "now is the moment for Britain to choose its future".

Addressing the nation from Downing Street in the pouring rain this evening, the Prime Minister vowed he has “never and will never leave the people of this country to face the darkest of days alone”.

Launching the Conservative campaign, he said: "We have shown the country that it is only this Conservative Party that can deliver the economic stability, the foundation of our national success."

It comes as Sir Keir Starmer launched Labour's campaign, saying: "A vote for Labour is a vote for stability, economic and political, a politics that treads more lightly on all our lives. A vote to stop the chaos."

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GB News Political Editor Christopher Hope says 'this is the biggest political gamble in living memory'

GB News Political Editor Christopher Hope has said that Rishi Sunak has taken the "biggest gamble in living political memory" by calling the general election at this time.

He said: "It's been rumoured a while that there would be this election called. But we thought it would be November. Not now.

"That's why it's a surprise to so many people. I think this is the biggest gamble taken by a sitting Prime Minister so far behind the polls in living political memory."

BREAKING: Some Tory MPs working on plot to 'call off' election

WATCH: The moment Sky News political correspondent Darren McCaffrey is removed from the Conservative launch rally

Christopher Hope says some Tory MPs have been left 'furious' by today's announcement

Anti-Brexit campaigner Steve Bray on why he played D:Ream's 'Things Can Only Get Better' during Rishi Sunak's announcement

Bray told reporters: "I thought about what would be the best trolling tune if he announced the election.

"And of course, it had to be Things Can Only Get Better. Because everybody can relate to that and the 1997 election. I didn’t do it for Labour. I did it because it was the top trolling song for the Conservatives."

SNP leader John Swinney says they will protect Scotland from the 'damage done' in Westminster

\u200bFirst Minister John Swinney

First Minister John Swinney


Swinney, who only became SNP leader earlier this month, said: "I look forward to leading @theSNP in this election.

""This is the moment to remove the Tory Govt and put Scotland First by voting SNP. People in Scotland know we stand up for them and protect them from the damage done by Westminster."

Reform UK leader Richard Tice says Labour will 'bankrupt Britain'

In a video message posted on social media, Reform leader Richard Tice said the party was ready for the election with its "common sense policies."

He added: "People know that the Tories have broken Britain. Labour and Starmer will do what they always do, which is bankrupt Britain."

Ed Davey says every Liberal Democrat vote is 'a vote for a local champion'

\u200bLiberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey


Speaking at a campaign event in Surrey, Ed Davey said: "Across the country, people are crying out for change and this election is the chance to make that happen.

"In so many parts of the country it’s the Liberal Democrats who can beat the Conservatives, who have taken people for granted for so long.

"Every vote for the Liberal Democrats is a vote for a local champion — an MP who will fight for you, your family and your community to get the fair deal that you so deserve. This Government is out of touch, it’s out of excuses and it’s out of time. And it’s time to get this Conservative Government out of office."

Home Secretary James Cleverly says there needs to be a man who is 'willing to make the right choices'

Speaking at a Conservative campaign rally, Home Secretary James Cleverly said: "In a time of turbulence, when there is danger across the globe… we need a leader at a head of a government who is willing to make the right choices."

Plaid Cymru say they are ready to 'take this fight to the London parties'

Rhun ap Iorwerth

Leader of Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth


Leader of Plaid Cymru, Rhun ap Iorwerth said: "Only a vote for Plaid Cymru will put Wales’ best interests first in this election. We are ready to take this fight to the London parties to demand the fairness that Wales both needs and deserves.

"The Tories have crashed the economy and hard-working people are still paying the price of high bills. Labour, on the other hand, just take Wales for granted. None of the London parties will put Wales first."

Green Party say they are targeting four seats at the General Election

\u200bGreen Party co-leaders, Carla Denyer and Adrian RamsayGreen Party co-leaders, Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay welcomed the announcementGetty

The Green Party’s co-leaders welcomed the announcement of a General Election, saying they aimed to secure four seats in the next Parliament.

Carla Denyer, the party’s candidate in Bristol Central, said: “At last. This is the moment the country has been waiting for, the chance to vote for a different vision of what our country can be. We are urging voters to elect at least four Green MPs to Parliament."

Her co-leader Adrian Ramsay, standing in Waveney Valley, said: "We are offering the common sense, affordable policies that will dramatically improve our quality of life.

"More Green MPs in Parliament will hold whoever forms the next government to account, and make the other parties confront the challenges our country faces."

Rishi Sunak says Labour would take the 'country back to square one'

Rishi Sunak hailed Conservative activists as "the life blood of our incredible party" who were "up for this General Election" at a rally in London’s ExCel Centre.

Referring to news that inflation had fallen to 2.3 per cent, he said he had delivered on his first pledge to the British people, adding: "We have shown the country that it is only this Conservative Party that can deliver the economic stability, the foundation of our national success."

He also repeated warnings that Labour would take the country "back to square one", adding: “We know the only certainty with Labour is they will run out of money and raise your taxes."

​​Sir Keir Starmer said a vote for Labour is a vote to 'stop the chaos'

Sir Keir Starmer

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer speaking in Westminster


Sir Keir Starmer said: "If they get another five years they will feel entitled to carry on exactly as they are. Nothing will change.

"A vote for Labour is a vote for stability, economic and political, a politics that treads more lightly on all our lives. A vote to stop the chaos."

Sky journalist removed from Conservative campaign launch

A Sky News broadcast crew has been removed from the ExCel Centre by security ahead of the Prime Minister’s speech.

Broadcaster Darren McCaffrey and his crew were escorted from the venue by two security guards, with the correspondent saying they had not been allowed in due to broadcast pooling arrangements.

Rishi Sunak says 'our plan is working' at Conservative campaign launch event

\u200bRishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak launching the Conservative campaign in east London


Speaking at a Conservative launch event in ExCel in east London, Rishi Sunak said: "Our plan is working.

"But with this hard won economic stability comes a choice."

Nigel Farage to announce tomorrow his General Election plans

Nigel Farage has said that he will consider his election plans overnight.

Speaking on GB News earlier, the former Brexit Party leader said he has currently made "no commitment" either way.

Read more here.

Keir Starmer responds to general election announcement - 'a moment the country needs' 

Keir Starmer responded to the shock announcement of the general election.

The Labour leader said:" Together we can stop the chaos. We can turn the page. We can start to rebuild Britain and change our country."

King 'faces problem' as election clashes with key royal engagement - Cameron Walker 

The King "faces a problem" with his diary after Rishi Sunak called for a general election earlier today, claims GB News royal reporter Cameron Walker.

Speaking to Martin Daubney, Walker said: "That is an issue for the King, potentially, because July 4 falls within Holyrood Week or in other words, Royal Week.

"This is where the King is in Scotland, taking part in the traditional week of royal engagements there. On July 2, he is due to hold a garden party at the Palace of Holyrood in Edinburgh.

"So in theory this does mean that the King is going to have to cut short his week in Edinburgh to potentially come back down to London, ready for the day after the general election on July 5 to appoint the Prime Minister."

Jeremy Hunt announces he is standing for re-election

Royal Family announces engagements postponed and apologises to all those affected

The Royal Family have announced that engagements are postponed and apologised to all those affected.

A spokesperson for the palace said that engagements will be postponed following the Prime Minister's statement calling for a general election.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson has said: “Following the Prime Minister’s statement this afternoon calling a General Election, The Royal Family will – in accordance with normal procedure – postpone engagements that may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign.”

“Their Majesties send their sincere apologies to any of those who may be affected as a result.”

Starmer says the general election is a chance to 'change for the better'

Giving a speech in London after Sunak's announcement, the Labour leader said the General Election represents a chance to change the country for the better.

He said: “Tonight, the Prime Minister has finally announced the next General Election, a moment the country needs and has been waiting for and where, by the force of our democracy, power returns to you.

“A chance to change for the better your future, your community, your country.

“It will feel like a long campaign, I am sure of that, but no matter what else is said and done, that opportunity for change is what this election is about.”

Labour's odds of winning a majority at 1-10

Labour's odds of winning an overall majority are at 1-10, according to bookmakers Coral.

They are at 1-20 to pick up the most seats.

Coral's John Hill said: "We think it is going to be one of the worst elections in history for the Conservatives, as Labour are long odds-on to pick up an overall majority in what would be a monumental swing from the 2019 election."

Lib Dems respond to general election date

Ed Davey

Liberal Democrat Leader Sir Ed Davey said: “This General Election is a chance to kick Rishi Sunak’s appalling Conservative Government out of office and deliver the change the public is crying out for."


Responding to the Prime Minister calling an election for July 4, Liberal Democrat Leader Sir Ed Davey said: “This General Election is a chance to kick Rishi Sunak’s appalling Conservative Government out of office and deliver the change the public is crying out for.

“For years the Conservative Party has taken voters for granted and lurched from crisis to crisis while the problems facing the country are getting so much worse.

“The NHS has been brought to its knees, people’s mortgages and rents have soared by hundreds of pounds a month, and water companies have got away with pumping filthy sewage into our rivers and beaches – all because this Conservative Government is more interested in fighting between themselves than standing up for the needs of the country.

“Every vote for the Liberal Democrats at this election is a vote for a strong local champion who will stand up for your community and health services.

“It’s clear that in many seats across the country, the best way to beat the Conservatives is to vote for the Liberal Democrats.”

Downing Street publishes statement on general election announcement

In a statement, Downing Street said: “The Prime Minister has today asked His Majesty The King to proclaim the Dissolution of Parliament. His Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify that he will comply with this request.

“Parliament will be prorogued on Friday 24 May. Dissolution will take place on Thursday 30 May. The General Election will take place on Thursday 4 July.

"The new Parliament will be summoned to meet on Tuesday 9 July, when the first business will be the election of the Speaker and the swearing-in of members, and the State Opening will be on Wednesday 17 July.”

Starmer reacts to election announcement

In the minutes after Sunak's announcement. Sir Keir Starmer offered his reaction, telling voters: "It's time for change".

In a video posted to social media, the Labour leader added: ""Britain is a great and proud country. But after 14 years under the Tories, nothing seems to work anymore."

Labour has 'no plan', the Prime Minister says


Rishi Sunak used his address to attack the Labour Party, claiming they don't have a plan for the country


Rishi Sunak used his address to attack the Labour Party, claiming they don't have a plan for the country.

He said: “I hope that my work since I became Prime Minister shows that we have a plan and are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish.

“Now, I have stuck with that plan and always been honest with you about what is needed, even when that’s been difficult, because I’m guided by doing what is right for our country, not what is easy.

“I can’t say the same thing for the Labour Party, because I don’t know what they offer and, in truth, I don’t think you know either.

“And that’s because they have no plan, there is no bold action, and as a result the future can only be uncertain with them.”

Sunak confirms he has requested the dissolution of Parliament 

Announcing a general election, Rishi Sunak said: “This hard earned economic stability was only ever meant to be the beginning, the question now is how and who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family, and our country?

“Now is the moment for Britain to choose its future, to decide whether we want to build on the progress we have made or risk going back to square one with no plan and no certainty.

“Earlier today I spoke with His Majesty the King to request the dissolution of Parliament.

“The King has granted this request and we will have a general election on July 4.”

Sunak reflects on the Covid pandemic

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak began his Downing Street address by reflecting on the Covid pandemic


Rishi Sunak began his Downing Street address by reflecting on the Covid pandemic.

He said: “In the last five years our country has fought through the most challenging times since the Second World War.

“As I stand here as your Prime Minister, I can’t help but reflect that my first proper introduction to you was just over four years ago. I stood behind one of the podiums upstairs in the building behind me.

“I told you that we faced a generation-defining moment and that we as a society could not be judged by some Government action, but by the small acts of kindness we showed one another.

“You met that challenge and then some, and I had never been prouder to be British.”

Sunak: 'We have reached two major milestones' 

Sunak said he came to office to "restore economic stability", which he said is the "bedrock" for everything else.

He added: "We have reached two major milestones in delivering that stability.

"Our economy is now growing faster than anyone predicted...And this morning it was confirmed that inflation is coming back to normal".

Sunak walks to the lectern in front of Downing Street


Sunak walks to the lectern in front of Downing Street


Tory insiders fume at potential election announcement 

Referencing the possibility of a July general election, one Conservative Party insider warned that "many good people are going to lose their jobs because [Sunak] has given up".

Another party official described the prospect of a summer election as "insanity", while a senior Tory MP said: "This is absolute madness".

BREAKING NEWS: GB News to launch legal action against Ofcom

GB News has launched formal legal proceedings against Ofcom after the media watchdog ruled the People's Channel breached broadcasting rules.

The decision comes after Ofcom made a number of rulings against the broadcaster.


Speculation grows of July 4 election

Rishi Sunak is now expected to call an election for July 4, as rumours swirl that a date will be announced imminently.

A Cabinet meeting is under way where the PM is reported to be informing ministers of the plan.

Many MPs had hoped for an autumn election, giving the party more time to claw back the 20 point gap between the Tories and Labour in the polls.

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lucy Frazer arrives at Downing Street

\u200bSecretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lucy Frazer

Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Lucy Frazer arrives at Downing Street


Minister for Veterans' Affairs Johnny Mercer arrives at Downing Street

\u200bMinister for Veterans' Affairs Johnny Mercer

Minister for Veterans' Affairs Johnny Mercer arrives at Downing Street


Health Secretary Victoria Atkins arrives at Downing Street

Victoria Atkins

Health Secretary Victoria Atkins arriving in Downing Street


Chief Secretary to the Treasury Laura Trott arrives at Downing Street

Mel Stride arrives at Downing Street 

Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride has arrived at Downing Street.

Asked by the media if an election was about to called, he joked: “Too much rain”.

Ministers start arriving at Downing Street

Ministers have begun arriving at Downing Street amid mounting speculation that the Prime Minister may call a general election.

Asked by the media if an election was about to called, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride joked: “Too much rain”.

Grant Shapps has entered No10 after delating a trip to the Baltic states.

The Northern Ireland Secretary, Chris Heaton-Harris, has also arrived at Downing Street, joining other cabinet colleagues.

Downing Street refuses to rule out summer vote

No 10 has refused to rule out a summer general election, with the PM's press secretary saying: "I know there's a lot of interest in this, as there has been pretty much every week over the last five months.

"I'll just say the same thing I've always said, which is I'm not going to rule anything in or out. The PM said election - second half of the year."

Asked when the "second half of the year" begins, she said it "is quite a wide range".

The spokesperson added: "It's not my job to stand here and pre-empt any of that. Right now, we're focused on delivering. Just today, we got good inflation news."

Tory insiders dismiss election speculation 

One Tory MP told GB News he doesn't believe the rumours "for a second", adding: "Why would you call an election two weeks after you just got slaughtered in the last one?"

He denied the significance of inflation figures, saying they don't mean anything to normal people. The MP explained: "They need to feel better off, and that takes time."

A source inside the Conservative Party agreed, saying it would be "madness" for the Prime Minister to call a snap election.

They questioned why the Government would send voters to the polls before interest rates have been cut.

The source instead suggested the PM could be gearing up to announce an election for the Autumn, rather than calling a snap election today.

Labour urges Sunak to call an election 

A Labour spokesman said: "We are fully ready to go whenever the Prime Minister calls an election.

"We have a fully organised and operational campaign ready to go and we think the country is crying out for a general election so would urge the Prime Minister to get on with it."

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