David Davis passionately rejects claims Dominic Raab is a bully after he resigned as Deputy Prime Minister

David Davis defended Dominic Raab

GB News
Svar Nanan-Sen

By Svar Nanan-Sen

Published: 23/04/2023

- 12:04

Dominic Raab resigned as Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary on Friday

David Davis has rejected claims that his former Chief of Staff Dominic Raab is a bully.

The Conservative MP told GB News he never once saw the former Justice Secretary lose his temper during their time working together.

He said: "When he worked for me we were involved in an incredibly fierce conflict with the then Blair and Brown Governments.

"We removed a couple of Home Secretaries and we got into huge battles. These were 18-hour days, often seven days a week in this battle. And so there was huge pressure on him as my Chief of Staff.

David Davis

David Davis has rejected claims that his former Chief of Staff Dominic Raab is a bully.

GB News

"Yet not once did I see him bully anybody, not once did I see him lose his temper. And not once did I see him lose his cool or shout at an employee.

"So no, I don't believe he was a bully then and actually having read the report in some detail I don't think he was a bully now."

Focusing on the report which led to Mr Raab’s resignation, Mr Davis continued: "Some of the allegations that he challenged people over, we're talking about hundreds of millions of pounds and we're talking about public services that aren't always delivering.

"I would urge people to read paragraph 161 of the report which says some of the people did not have any direct relationship with Raab. Some of them had never even met him.

"We also see that a number of complaints arrived all on the day that Dominic was going to appear in front of the House of Commons standing up to Angela Rayner. It just looks too political for words."

Asked whether he felt Mr Raab was right to resign he said: "The problem is that Dominic being Dominic said, you know, the rules are the rules. I will resign if there's any finding against me.

"I think it’s the wrong decision but the simple truth is that for the Prime Minister, you've only got so much controversy you can manage and he's got controversy over immigration and many other areas."

Davis also said although the majority of civil servants he worked with were "first class" - some were clearly anti-Brexit.

David Davis

Davis also said although the majority of civil servants he worked with were "first class" - some were clearly anti-Brexit.

GB News

He added: "There are people who just didn't believe in Brexit. I mean, first off, most of the London civil service didn't.

"Now don't get me wrong, the vast majority, certainly the ones who worked for me, the vast majority of them were first-class civil servants.

"And they did the public will. But you could certainly see in Whitehall a certain reticence to do it."