Deputy Speaker blasts 'rabble' Labour bench as Chancellor unable to speak from heckles

Deputy Speaker blasts 'rabble' Labour bench as Chancellor unable to speak from heckles
Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 06/03/2024

- 13:04

Commons Deputy Speaker Eleanor Laing was forced to intervene as Jeremy Hunt read out his Spring Budget thanks to heckles from the Labour front bench.

The Chancellor’s remarks on lower taxes prompted jeers from MPs, forcing the Deputy Speaker to intervene just minutes into his speech.

“The Chancellor has hardly said anything”, she said.

“You can’t get excited yet. Other people want to hear what the Chancellor has to say. We will have a bit of good behaviour please.”

MPs continued to be disruptive despite her wading into matters, forcing another stoppage.

The Deputy Speaker said: "This is not amusing any more. We need to hear what the Chancellor has to say.

"I can tell who's making the noise and you simply won't get a chance to speak later so that's the end of it."

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