Brexit-hating lefties blasted by John O'Sullivan over Covid lockdown: 'Take responsibility!'

Brexit-hating lefties blasted by John O'Sullivan over Covid lockdown: 'Take responsibility!'

WATCH NOW: UK should 'take responsibility' for Covid lockdown, claims John O'Sullivan

Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 15/07/2024

- 18:23

Former Prime Minister Rishi Sunak suffered an election wipeout for the Tories as Labour secured a landslide victory

Rishi Sunak and the Conservatives suffered defeat at this year's General Election because they "lost touch with conservatism", it has been claimed.

Labour wiped out the Tories after 14 years with a landslide win for the left-wing party, with Sir Keir Starmer taking the helm as Britain's new Prime Minister.

Speaking to GBN America, Political Commentator John O'Sullivan claimed that the Conservatives lost the election due to a lack of "conservatism", more specifically surrounding the coronavirus pandemic.

When asked by GBN America Correspondent Steven Edginton why he believes the Tories suffered such a huge loss in the election, O'Sullivan said: "I think they lost because they lost touch with conservatism, with its own history, and with its own supporters who remained conservative when the party changed.

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan claimed the Conservatives lost the General Election because they 'lost touch with conservatism'


"And it did lose touch. It lost touch with conservatism on a number of important issues."

Listing the issues with which the party "lost touch", O'Sullivan claimed that Boris Johnson's stance on net zero, along with the coronavirus pandemic, were key factors which lost the support of voters.

O'Sullivan told GBNA: "They made net zero the flagship issue of the second half of the Johnson administration. And it lost touch, I think more forgivable, with what Conservatism meant in relation to the Covid pandemic.

"I say more forgivably because the entire country almost was urging them to take the excessive lockdown measures, the excessive social regulations and the policies. And that in a sense helped to destroy the prospects of the British economy."

Rishi Sunak

Rishi Sunak suffered an election wipeout for the Tories as Labour secured a landslide victory


Analysing the impact of the coronavirus lockdowns on Britain's economy, O'Sullivan then claimed that Remainers have been using the pandemic to "blame economic failure on Brexit", rather than the lockdowns themselves.


O'Sullivan explained: "I think a lot of anti-Brexit people are quite happy about Covid in a way because they're able to blame the impact of economic failure as a result of Covid lockdown measures on Brexit.

"So you will notice when you're talking to an anti-Brexiteer, they never mention the pandemic measures."

Steven then highlighted that following the recent General Election, the pandemic and lockdowns were almost a "non-issue" for all of the parties.

He added: "It certainly wasn't talked about to any large extent, but one of the things that was talked about was immigration."

John O'Sullivan

John O'Sullivan said the nation should 'take responsibility' for the 'mistakes' made in the Coronavirus lockdowns


In response, O'Sullivan argued: "If you're a critic of the Government, you tend not to talk about the Covid pandemic measures, the lockdown, because you were equally responsible for it. The entire nation has to take responsibility for that important mistake.

"We now know it was a mistake because the Swedish government pursued the policies that we had started out with. We abandoned that after the first frightening photographs that arrived from Italy, and we never really considered an alternative policy to the lockdown measures again."

He continued: "The whole country has to take responsibility, not just the government on that one.

"Although, the Government probably has a more important share of responsibility on immigration, you are entirely correct."

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