‘Ultimate globalist!’ Bev Turner rages at Sadiq Khan over Pope Francis meeting: ‘Doesn’t care about your bins in Clapham’

‘Ultimate globalist!’ Bev Turner rages at Sadiq Khan over Pope Francis meeting: ‘Doesn’t care about your bins in Clapham’

Bev Turner hits out at 'ultimate globalist' Sadiq Khan

Ben Chapman

By Ben Chapman

Published: 15/05/2024

- 12:01

The Mayor of London is to meet the Pope to talk about Ulez

Sadiq Khan is the “ultimate globalist” and does not pay enough attention to London matters, according to GB News host Bev Turner.

The Mayor of London is to meet the Pope to talk about Ulez and other efforts to tackle the “climate emergency”.

He will fly to Italy today ahead of a climate change summit event at the Vatican on Thursday where he will lead a delegation of mayors from cities across the world.

Bev hit out at the move on GB News, questioning why Khan is not doing more to tackle issues in London.

Sadiq Khan and Bev Turner

Bev Turner has hit out at Sadiq Khan


“Who would Sadiq Khan need to meet to talk about Ulez?”, she said.

“It’s the Pope. He is the ultimate globalist. He likes to pretend he's bothered about your bin collection in Clapham. He’s not.


Pope Francis

Pope Francis will be meeting Sadiq Khan

Mike Parry, Andrew Pierce, Bev Turner and Stephen Pound

Sadiq Khan's trip to the Vatican City was discussed by a GB News panel


“He has his eye on the horizon. He’s part of the global elite. The Pope is among those people.

“He’s just power hungry. He’s the co-chair of this C40 Cities group, a group of global mayors pushing this green agenda down our throats.”

Similarly scathing was broadcaster Mike Parry, who pointed to the crime figures in London.

“When we look at the terrible social problems across London, why is he taking time out to be pally with the Pope?”, he asked.

Khan is scheduled to have a private audience with Pope Francis after addressing the conference.

According to City Hall, it would be a “rare opportunity for the Mayor to share ongoing strategies and challenges that London and other global cities face in the realm of climate action”.

Khan said: “I am truly honoured to have been invited to participate in this key summit hosted by his Holiness Pope Francis, bringing together leading political, civic and religious leaders to tackle the biggest global threat we face today.

“I am determined for London to continue to be a world leader in tackling the twin dangers of air pollution and the climate emergency, but the need for coordinated global action has never been so urgent.

“As Mayor of one of the most diverse cities in the world, where we celebrate the huge contributions of different religious communities, it will also be an honour to discuss how faith and cooperation between different faiths can be a force for so much good.”

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