'We stand for common sense!' Ann Widdecombe claims Reform could overtake the Tories

'We stand for common sense!' Ann Widdecombe claims Reform could overtake the Tories

Ann Widdecombe claims that Reform UK could overtake the Conservative Party

GB News
Georgia Pearce

By Georgia Pearce

Published: 09/10/2023

- 09:53

Updated: 09/10/2023

- 10:21

Ann Widdecombe stated that Reform UK 'stands for common sense'

Ann Widdecombe has claimed that Reform UK could overtake the Conservative Party, following their own party conference over the weekend.

Speaking at the event, Widdecombe asked the crowd if they have "had enough of this Government", and called on them to "reject comprehensively what we have now."

Widdecombe added in her conference speech that the Conservatives are "a load of talk and no action", stating the opposition "changes its mind every two seconds and sends us all dizzy with u-turns".

Speaking to Mark Dolan, Widdecombe reacted to the reception at the Reform UK conference and their chances against the Tories.

Ann Widdecombe appears on GB News

Ann Widdecombe claimed that Reform UK could overtake the Tories

GB News

Mark asked: “Can Reform UK replace the Conservatives as the party of the right in the long term? And if the Tories collapse, which they may in a year's time?”

Widdecombe claimed: “Yes, I think it can, because we stand for common sense.

"We are interested not in banning smoking but in banning illegal immigration. I think our priorities are widely shared amongst the population.

"And so, yes, I think we can replace the Tories and the only thing that would stop us would be if the Tories became Tories. But I didn't see any sign of that.”

Mark agreed: “No. And how did the speech go down yesterday? I could hear the applause. Tell me about the experience this weekend as you as you took your part in in this annual conference of Reform UK.”

Widdecombe replied: “Well it was a tremendous conference let me say that, the hall was absolutely packed. We had over a 1000 people and when you think this is a small party and the energy was huge, nothing like the vibes that were coming over from the Tory conference.

"And as for the Lib Dems, I've forgotten even what their conference was like.

“This was a very, very memorable conference. And of course, you know, once upon a time I used to speak at Conservative Party Conference and then at the Brexit Party rallies, but this was something else again.”

Ann Widdecombe delivers speech at the Reform UK Party Conference

Ann Widdecombe delivered a keynote speech at the Reform UK Party Conference

Reform UK

Mark then asked: “Can you now rule out ever becoming a member of the Conservatives?”

Widdecombe revealed: “Well, I think they've ruled it out for me because as I've just said, they're not Conservatives. And the only way I'm ever going to re-join the Conservatives would be if that is what they once more became.

"If they believed in low taxation, if they didn't interfere in people's lives, if they had priorities which are reflected amongst the general population.

"All the things the Conservatives used to be and used to do and which they've just lost complete sight of them, absolutely lost sight of it.”

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