HAVE YOUR SAY: Should the state pension triple lock be means tested? COMMENT NOW

Euan Peacock

By Euan Peacock

Published: 26/03/2025

- 08:43

Experts have labelled the triple lock unsustainable and are calling for major reforms of the policy.

The triple lock guarantees that state pensions rise by the highest of inflation, average earnings growth, or 2.5 per cent. The policy has been one of the most expensive welfare commitments in Britain's history costing taxpayers over £100 billion.

Former Pensions Minister Sir Steve Webb has said "every political party wants to get rid of it" and "everyone is terrified to be the one to turn the switch off as they will be blamed."

The triple lock is estimated to cost Government an extra £11billion a year compared with if pensions had increased in line with either prices or earnings between 2010 and 2023.

Some are suggesting that a means testing of the triple lock would be a best first step rather than scrapping it entirely.

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