Majority has not just been ignored but stamped on by the anti-British political class - Ben Habib
Woe betide anyone who wishes to stop the ridiculous levels of immigration, says Ben Habib
Ben Habib was the former deputy leader of Reform UK
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Every successive British prime minister since Blair, who set this train in motion, has championed minorities over the majority.
To start with the effects of this policy were not marked; there were few from minority backgrounds in the UK.
But with each year the number of migrants coming to the UK has risen and, with them, the splits in our society.
No attempt has ever been made to integrate the foreign cultures we have imported. Instead, we have been told to celebrate them.
Told that we owe this to newcomers and that we are racist if we think otherwise. Separate cultural silos have emerged across the UK.
And with each passing year these have increased in size and number. Minorities are now afforded protected characteristics.
The regulatory framework requires progressive discrimination in their favour. Institutions, businesses, the armed forces, the police, public services, universities and every other organisation in the UK is required to practice this ethos.
We are required to employ minorities ahead of the majority. We are required to report on the social justice we have delivered for them.
All the while the majority has not just been ignored but stamped on. It is impossible to discriminate in favour of one group without also discriminating against another. And it is the white Anglo-Saxons who have been on the end of what I call reverse racism.
They must get to the back of the line. Yet they are told they are privileged because they are white and if they do not recognise this, they are themselves racist.
And woe betide anyone who wishes to stop the ridiculous levels of immigration to which the country has been subjected. They are castigated as not just racist but far right.
How the devil did we get here?
I would not say this breakdown in societal harmony was planned. Rather it is born out of a political class that is essentially anti-British. Yes, our Parliamentarians mostly do not care for the nation state that is the United Kingdom.
They would mostly prefer to be in the EU.
It offends remainers when they are told they are anti-British but there is no other way to describe them. To be pro-EU means wishing to be governed from abroad. It means wishing to join a bloc without borders.
There can be no nation state if there is not territorial integrity and governance from within. Anyone who wishes these away is, by definition, anti-British.
Freedom of movement, whether official or unofficial is anti-British. It is however helpful for those who would wish to be in the EU.
Rampant immigration does away with national identity and with it the nation state of the UK. Much easier then to slot into the EU or some other global order. We have been practicing freedom of movement for a quarter of a century.
Worse, as set out above, we have promoted immigrants over and above and to the detriment of the settled people of the UK.We now have a multicultural country with people from different cultures living in separate silos. They are all protected and promoted.
The white Anglo-Saxon majority is not.There is a deliberate error in the opening line of this article. A society requires a common culture. There is no such thing as a “two-tiered society”. What our anti-British political class has managed to achieve is the doing away of British society.
It was only a matter of time before inter-ethnic violence kicked off. The surprising thing is it did not happen sooner. But it is here now, and it will not go away.With his anti-British DNA, Starmer will not recognise this.
Instead of slashing immigration and working on creating an integrated settled culture, he will continue with the policies which have brought the country to this sorry place.
No, the state of the country is not the fault of the far right. The fault lies with Starmer and the anti-British political class.