Trump has betrayed Ukraine and thrown it's beleaguered people under the bus - Carole Malone
OPINION: Donald Trump has lost his mind in bowing to Russia and betraying Ukraine, says Carole Malone.
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How could the love affair have gone so bad, so quickly? For the past four weeks Donald Trump had managed to get the world - if not to love him – to at least take him seriously. In fact its more than that he’s got entire nations cheering and celebrating not just what he’s done but at the break neck speed he’s doing it.
In four short weeks he’s blown away many of his critics with his courage, his cunning and his sheer audacity.
Yet today I find myself looking at him thinking-the man’s gone stark staring bonkers. Is he mad? Is he on drugs? Is there something in the water at the White House which is making him behave like he’s batsh*t crazy?
Donald Trump has destroyed all the good will towards him with his behaviour on the Ukraine war.
GB News/Getty Images
Because this week Trump’s behaviour really is unhinged. He’s sounding like a power crazed lunatic who, at a stroke, has destroyed the faith , the good will and the hope much of the world had put in him believing President Mark II to be a changed, more mature man than President Mark I. But watching him this week cosying up to and cow towing to the tyrant Putin like he was his newest, best friend has been sick-enducing. Why is he siding with the evil dictator who illegally invaded Ukraine and in the process slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian people.
And Trump really mustn’t kid himself that what he’s doing is a step towards peace because what its looking like is that The Donald is dancing to the Kremlin’s tune and acting as a mouthpiece for this murdering dictator.
I believed Trump when he told us all he was going to find a decent, honourable solution to the Russia/Ukraine war. But there’s nothing honourable in what he’s doing this week. There’s nothing honourable or clever in negotiating a so called peace treaty which gives Putin every damn thing he wants. That’s not a negotiation it’s a surrender!! And what he’s doing is ushering in a new world order, a new Russian empire which will be headed-up by Putin who Trump wants to gift one fifth of the country he took illegally-a kind of reward for invading.
And exactly where does Trump get off saying the war was started by Ukraine? And how can he justify excluding Zelensky and his team from supposed peace talks when they’re talks about the future of his country.
Even the great Winston Churchill didn't call elections during wartime.
Getty Images
Far from bringing a honourable solution Trump has betrayed Ukraine and thrown the entire county, its leader and its beleaguered people under the bus.
And for what? So he can do his shabby deals and demand a $500BN stake in the country’s mineral reserves in return for the $300BN dollars he says the US has lavished in aid on Ukraine (the figure is nearer $175B dollars).
How can Trump stand up in front of the world and call Zelensky a thief, a dictator, and claim he now has less than 5% support in his own country when it’s a bare faced lie. A poll this week showed Zelensky has the support of 57% of his people–pretty spectacular after a grim three year war that has cost his people everything.
And how dare he order Zelensky to call elections – even Churchill didn’t do that during World War II. And the only reason he’s asking for that is because he knows a pro Putin candidate would be installed and the election would of course be rigged-a regular occurrence in Russia.
I want to weep for the Ukrainian people who have fought like lions these past three years only to be betrayed at the11th hour by what seems to be a power crazed Trump, a man who sees everything as a deal. And Yes, in his quest to Make America Great Again – maybe that strategy works . But it doesn’t work when it’s done on the bloodied backs of a beleaguered nation and not when it tramples on the graves, the hopes, the dreams of a country to whom sovereignty is everything.
Trump hasn’t just betrayed Ukraine, he’s humiliated and tried to destroy the reputation of its leader, its brave fighters and its people. He has spat on three years of intense fighting by a nation Putin expected to crumble within days of his illegal invasion. Leaked plans show officers were even told to pack their dress uniforms and medals for anticipated military parades in Kyiv . But it never happened and three years on Ukraine is still standing and THAT is down the sheer courage and determination of Ukrainians fighting-literally to the death- for their freedom.
Let's pray Trump has a master plan to squeeze Putin and bring peace.
Getty Images
And now all that’s being trampled on by a crazed Trump who seems drunk on his own power and has no understanding of what the Ukrainian people have endured.
Aggression has won, Putin has won and its Donald Trump who is facilitating all that by serving up Ukraine and its people up to Putin on a platter.
Of course there are whisperings that what Trump is doing is all part of a master plan and that he will soon turn the screws on Russia if he can’t get Putin to the negotiating table. So while we know what he’s asked of Ukraine, what concessions has he squeezed out of Putin? Well, we know Putin is desperate for peace because, economically, Russia is on its knees. So, if Trump wanted to further weaken Russia he could do it by intensifying shale gas production and tanking energy prices and then Putin would have no choice but to make concessions he’s currently refusing to.
Let’s pray there is a master plan and this isn’t just a callous sell out of an entire nation. Because if Trump does have a cunning plan-and it works-maybe we can get back some of the high hopes we all had for him. Maybe we can go back to respecting and admiring the man who tackled his country’s immigration problem head on, who stuck two fingers up at Woke World, who ruled that there are only genders and who wants to make his country great again.
But if what he’s doing is just capitulating to Putin – God help us all.