Pay serious attention to the staggering Swiss election result Mr Sunak – it will teach you a thing or two...

Rishi Sunak

Pay serious attention to the Swiss result Mr Sunak

Michael  Heaver

By Michael Heaver

Published: 24/10/2023

- 16:20

Updated: 24/10/2023

- 16:26

GB News Community Editor Michael Heaver analyses recent elections across Europe and delivers his verdict

Finland, Italy, Sweden. And you can add Switzerland to that list - elections across European countries have seen right-wing parties dominate, with immigration a key issue of the campaign.

But why?

Swedish voters switched to the Eurosceptic Sweden Democrats in 2022, as they emerged as the largest party on the Right in that country. The end result was a new Swedish Government backed by the Sweden Democrats and led by Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson.

Italy’s elections saw Giorgia Meloni emerge as the new Prime Minister. Before she came to power, some sought to characterise her as a far-right nutjob. Instead, Meloni in office has been pragmatic and seems to have struck a close alliance with our own PM Risi Sunak.

Whilst Finland’s vote this year saw the conservative National Coalition and fiercely Eurosceptic Finns Party emerge as the two largest forces. Noticing a trend yet?

Even more recently in Spain and Poland, the single most-supported parties have been conservative, even if an alliance of other groups are currently most likely to form the next Governments.

Meanwhile the people of Switzerland have spoken: and the Swiss People’s Party has come out on top.

The post-vote analysis of their victory has been pretty clear cut: that public concern over border policy has trumped green hysteria.

After the election, a Swiss People’s Party statement proclaimed: "The consequences of the left-green asylum, immigration and energy policies are devastating for our country.

"Housing shortage, rising rents, concreting over of the countryside, traffic jams, falling school standards, cost explosion in health care, the state is becoming more and more expensive and powerful and people have less and less money at their disposal."

Specifically, the SVP (Swiss People’s Party) Leader Marco Chiesa spoke out against the possibility of Switzerland’s population surging to over 10 million. He said: "We have problems with immigration, illegal immigrants, and problems with the security of energy supply.

"We already have asylum chaos…A population of 10 million people in Switzerland is a topic we really have to solve."

Again, the Swiss vote produced a similar outcome. Whilst the Swiss People’s Party climbed up to 62 seats, gaining 9, the Greens and Green Liberals both sunk and lost a combined 11 seats between them.

So there is a lesson here for those in this country ahead of the next General Election: tackling the immigration issue and focusing on improving quality of life trump green virtue-signaling.

Another European trend – curiously skirted over by establishment media – has been the degree to which self-styled ‘green’ parties have struggled at the polls.

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