'The idea Starmer and Reeves decide if we get state pension - after working all of our lives - is outrageous' - Lady Judith McAlpine

'We don't need Starmer or Reeves,' says Lady Judith McAlpine

Lady Judith Mcalpine

By Lady Judith Mcalpine

Published: 07/09/2024

- 05:00

Lady Judith McAlpine is a Conservative Party donor

So - we are to pay into our "pension fund" all our working lives but now Sir Kier Starmer and Rachel Reeves will decide whether we should receive that money, that we have earned, on which we have paid tax, when we retire?

Am I missing something? Are they talking about our money, that we and our employers have been obliged to put into the national pot so that when we retire, we are not suddenly destitute?

What planet are these two on?

I and most of those I know thought Blair was the most devious, two-faced politician we had seen in our lifetimes.

It looks as if we are now faced with something even worse.

Ok: there is no money. It is blindingly obvious that we don't need Starmer or Reeves - we need Mr Micawber.

Blair and his gang got around the problem of handing out money they didn't have by selling off our gold reserves far too cheaply of course.

What right-minded Prime Minister or Chancellor even contemplates that one?

Rachel Reeves is an "economist". I'm not sure what that really is.

She is not an accountant. My first husband was such a talented accountant that banks would send him ailing companies and he would sort them out, usually by stopping them over-spending.

A number of large companies owe their current success to his common sense.

Sadly, he died far too young, or he might have made a terrific Chancellor.

Any accountant worth its fees would have told the past few governments that they cannot spend what they don't have. Especially as, sans gold reserves, there is no security against which to borrow.

Sadly now, thanks, I believe, to profligate governments, we have a generation who believe that if they want it, they must have it: Now, debt? What does that matter? Look at the Government's debt. It must be ok. If they can do it, why can't we?

Meanwhile, of course, the Government goes on finding more reasons to spend money.

Let in anyone who makes it to our shores, give them hotel rooms, homes, feed them, clothe them.

No - I'm not advocating starving anyone; but if we don't have the money, we can't offer people homes, food or anything other than another inflatable boat to pop back to France whence most of them are coming.

What happens to all the boats anyway, that expenditure is of course just the obvious tip of the iceberg.


How many Civil Servants have we now? What are we paying them to do?

Mostly, it would seem, to stop us thinking for ourselves, let alone speaking.

How many more pen-pushers than medical staff are there in the NHS?

How many more people will be needed to work out whether you should be allowed to use the pension for which you have so diligently paid all these years? What will they be paid? Whence comes that money? Your pension? Mine?

What they are talking about is simply robbery. "You've put in the money, now we need to use it because we have no understanding of how to balance the books."

Imagine if, in the days of National Savings Stamps, someone in government had decided that, although you had put all your pocket money into them for a whole year, you didn't really need the money after all. "But don't worry, we're going to give it to someone who really needs it."

Ok - I know there is still a form of "National Savings", but I bet very few youngsters know about it.

The world really has gone mad: I'm glad I'm not likely to be in it too much longer as all I can see is chaos exacerbated in the short term by a government that can't even do simple arithmetic and thinks the rest of us are just too stupid to notice.

How wrong can they be?