Imagine a city where crime is high, you're charged to drive and where you feel a rank outsider - how can Sadiq Khan get a knighthood - Peter Bleksley
Sadiq Khan at London Assembly
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Imagine living in a city where you were charged considerable amounts of money to drive your car or van into a particular zone of that city, the same city in which you were born and raised, and where you tried very hard to earn a living in order that you could house, feed and clothe your family…
Imagine living in a city where there were numerous fixed and mobile cameras, designed and manufactured to read your number plate so that they could check the amount of exhaust fumes that your car created, and where some of those cameras were protected by burly security guards, some of whom were quick to raise their fists if you dared to question them about what they were doing…
Imagine living in a city where your hard-earned taxes were used to build road tunnels that you were then charged heaps of money to drive through…
Imagine living in a city where the police service that your Mayor had responsibility for, employing an officer who kidnapped, raped, and murdered a wonderful young woman.
Imagine living in a city where those same police service that the Mayor still had responsibility for, employed a considerable number of officers who were serial rapists, drug dealers, paedophiles, fraudsters, thieves, people of extreme violence, and more…
Imagine living in a city where thousands upon thousands of women lived in fear of walking the streets or travelling on public transport, because the likelihood of being harassed at best, murdered at worst, was so real…
Imagine living in a city were wearing a valuable watch that you might have bought yourself as a well-earned treat for being successful, would be a foolish thing to do, because an unscrupulous criminal would quite possibly try to violently steal from you…
Imagine visiting a city where you would most likely see numerous homeless, hapless, desperate people existing, sleeping, or begging on the streets or the transport system…
Imagine living in a city where you are likely to wake up in the morning to find your car or van stolen, and where there is almost zero chance of the thieves responsible for that ever being convicted at court.
Imagine living in a city where you are likely to return home after a long day at work, to find your home has been burgled, and that there is almost zero chance of the burglar ever being convicted at court.
Imagine living in a city where marches and demonstrations are regularly allowed to take place, where revolting lawbreakers are allowed to spout genocidal chants and display hate-filled placards and signs, while the police idly standby.
Imagine living in a city where violent criminals rule numerous neighbourhoods through violence and intimidation, where children slaughter children with huge knives and machetes, and where the murder rate would be considerably higher, were it not for the actions of brilliant, courageous good police officers, paramedics, nurses on and surgeons.
Imagine visiting parts of a city that you once loved, from which you harbour fond memories of treating yourself to a treasured leather jacket, but which you would no longer dream of returning to, because you feel like a rank outsider and hugely unwelcome.
Welcome to my world.
Welcome to the world that the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has presided over since 2016.
Imagine someone, anyone, thinking that Khan was worthy of a Knighthood. Imagine.
With thanks and apologies to John Lennon.