Richard Tice's Sunday Sermon: Congratulations! We have a new nominee for hypocrite of the 21st century

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GB News
Richard Tice

By Richard Tice

Published: 07/04/2024

- 12:27

Richard Tice gives his take on this week's William Wragg revelations

Hello and welcome to this week's version of Britain's favourite Sunday sermon. Have I got news for you? Yes, good news indeed. We've got a new award. It's not hypocrite of the week, not hypocrite of the month or indeed of the year. We have a new award for hypocrites of the 21st century. It's that significant.

And we have a candidate for this award... I'd like you to imagine that you are vice chairman of a very, very important committee about standards, about behaviour. Imagine you're chairman of an even more important committee about public administration and constitutional affairs.

You need to be a person of great integrity, of probity and of good judgment. Just put yourself in those shoes.

So good are you at this matter of integrity and probity that when anybody in the place that you work - which might happen to be, for example, the House of Commons - that if someone doesn't do things properly, if they exercise misjudgement, then of course you call for them to resign. No ifs, no buts.

So imagine that you called for the Prime Minister to resign because he brought his own party into disrepute. He damaged the reputation of his own party because he attended parties involving cake.

Imagine that you called for another Prime Minister of your own party to resign after just a few days because they exercised misjudgement. I mean, just think about that.

Imagine if you called for none other than the speaker of the House of Commons to resign over his misjudgements on a debate about calling for a ceasefire in the Middle East between Hamas and between the state of Israel.

These are serious matters. People have made misjudgements. But you - the man of probity, integrity, solid judgement - you call for them to resign. No ifs, no buts whatsoever.

Imagine if also when you hear that MPs might be being subject to blackmail. But you stand up in the House of Commons and you say that anybody who is a victim of blackmail should report it to the speaker of the House of Commons. And of course, you should report it to the Metropolitan Police. I mean, this is a man that we should listen to. This is a man of great high standing. Clearly.

So when that person then becomes attacked himself or been targeted for, uh, texting or sexting. Imagine being asked to send a picture of yourself unclothed and then. You then become your victim yourself of blackmail.

So then what do you do?

Watch Richard Tice's full Sunday Sermon for April 7 2024 above.