Richard Tice's Sunday Sermon: I tried to have a civilised debate with Palestine protesters. Wow. I could not believe how they responded

WATCH: Richard Tice's Sunday Sermon for February 11

Richard Tice

By Richard Tice

Published: 11/02/2024

- 11:04

Welcome to this week's Britain's Favourite Sunday Sermon. Now you may recall, last week I spoke about the British culture. I spoke about population growth and that we should be, we should be discussing this, debating this, as is the way in a proper democracy.

And I also then went on a programme midweek on the BBC talking about immigration and the British culture. Fascinating.

Someone kindly sent me an e-mail as well saying when you define the British culture, what do you mean by that? And this person said, well actually it's simple, it's law, language and queuing. I thought there's something rather fun about that.

But let me tell you what the British culture is not. It's not the experience that I had as I arrived on Wednesday evening at the BBC where there was a pro Palestine demonstration, very noisy, very loud, about 30 people there. And I thought, well I'll just pop along and have a chat.

I was a few minutes early and I often do this with people from the other side of the debate. I often go and have a chat, whether it's Steve Bray and his anti Brexit campaigning in Parliament Square, occasionally pop along, we'll have a chat, sometimes shake hands and we respectfully agree to disagree.

So I thought I'd ask these pro Palestine people just a couple of simple questions. And, you know, in a democracy, that's what you do. You debate, but you listen. You have a sense of tolerance, of listening to the other side.

So the questions I asked was fairly simple. I said, do you agree that we should, that Hamas should release the hostages that they're holding in Gaza? - the Israeli hostages, well over 100 of them still there.

And then I said, do you agree? Do you condemn Hamas for the attacks on October the 7th? Wow. I mean, you could not believe the response.

Watch Richard Tice's full Sunday Sermon for February 11 2024 above.