Any last shred of credibility for Prince Harry is well and truly gone, says Nana Akua

Nana Akua gives her take on Prince Harry's award

Nana Akua

By Nana Akua

Published: 13/07/2024

- 16:59

Updated: 14/07/2024

- 08:29

Why accept the Pat Tillman award?

Prince Harry...

Oh God of all the low of all lows.. why accept an award that the mother of person whose honour the award is in does not want you to receive.. and for good reason.

Instead of stepping back gracefully and acknowledging that perhaps it is wise to sit this one out.

Prince Harry this week accepted the Pat Tillman award which was meant for ex military personnel who have shown exceptional courage..

Mary TillmanMary Tillman has spoken out against the duke's nominationGetty

Pat was an NFL sensation who quit a multi million dollar contract to fight for his country. Sadly his time was cut short when he was killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan. He was an American hero, an idol. The award was set up in his honour.

On Thursday it was given to Prince Harry for his work on Invictus, despite the fact that he is not America and also against the backlash, a petition with over 70,000 signatures, calls from veterans for him to reject it and Pat Tillman’s mother referring to Harry as ‘controversial’ and divisive.

Prince HarryHarry has won the Pat Tillman award for his Invictus Games work PA

She suggested there were far more deserving people who went unnoticed because they didn’t have Harry’s profile.

Now of course Harry served on two frontline tours in Afghanistan and spent 10 years in the British armed forces. ESPN who hosted the awards had previously said Harry was being honoured for his "tireless work in making a positive impact for the veteran community through the power of sport".

The ceremony, presented by Meghan’s Archetypes podcast chum Serena Williams, was attended by some high profile stars many of whom did not stand when Harry went to pick up his award, most noticeably Venus, Serena’s sister and Pat Tillman’s wife who sat rooted in her seat with what can only be described as a cold glazed stare. Pat Tillman’s mother did not attend..

The absolute gall of him..

He's collecting the award on behalf of other people..

What is wrong with him and his wife? How can they not see how jarring this must be for Pat's mother and family.

It beggars belief.

They don’t want him to pick up the award even if he believes he is picking it up on behalf of others, he should respect that.

Any last shred of credibility is well and truly gone. How embarrassing.,

Whilst here in the UK, the family that he has practically turned his back on are going through a tough time to put it mildly, but a wonderful rainbow on the horizon, the beautiful Princess of Wales Catherine, will be giving presenting the men’s final trophy at Wimbledon tomorrow.

Thank God.