The police need to do their job and resist the orchestrated overthrow of our capital city by amoebic extremists, says Howard Cox

Katherine Forster reveals STAGGERING sum London protests cost

GB News
Howard  Cox

By Howard Cox

Published: 04/04/2024

- 12:06

Updated: 04/04/2024

- 12:17

'I fully expect Sadiq Khan and the Met Police Commissioner to be answerable for the rapid increase in knife crime'

We are witnessing a growing epidemic of stabbings and violent crime all across London, extremist groups running rife on our streets, people from all ethnicities scared to venture out, and public transport becoming an increasingly unsafe way to travel around our once proud and previously secure capital city.

Sadiq Khan the clueless dishonest London Mayor, cannot now deny that violent crime has become increasingly prevalent in London, all under his watch.

I fully hold him and his leading employee for all our safety, the Met Police Commissioner to be answerable for the rapid increase in knife crime.

The latest hideous incidents among so many in recent months could have been prevented had Khan, as the Police and Crime Commissioner ordered Sir Mark Rowley to take police out of administrative low-priority desk work and put them back onto the streets.

Sadiq Khan, Howard Cox, Metropolitan Police officer, Ulez protests

Howard Cox slammed Sadiq Khan for the lack of police on London's streets


Just five to 10 per cent of London’s police, that are available at any one time, are actually on the streets. It doesn’t take more than one brain cell to recognise more visible policing will reduce this increasing epidemic of violence.

All the fantastic police personnel I speak with at over 20 anti-ULEZ protests I have attended, want exactly that. And they agree with me that the public, even as Good Samaritans, should not be doing the police’s job.

As London’s next Mayor, I will sack any Commissioner of the Met Police who does not put at least triple the number of bobbies out onto the beat.

I will also instruct London’s British Transport Police and TfL to massively increase police presence in all of our Capital City’s public transport network.

I will also advocate the increase in intelligence-based stop and search procedures to pre-empt any possible weaponised violent attacks.

Plus I will lobby for custodial sentences for those carrying dangerous weapons, in particular knives.

With police stations now as rare as hen’s teeth, it is more than critical we introduce Police Access Points.

My Reform UK innovation will work in partnership with private businesses such as supermarkets and other 24-hour consumer outlets hosting fully operational police areas.


Metropolitan Police officer outside of the Big Ben

As London Mayor, Howard Cox claims he will sack any Commissioner of the Met Police who does not put at least triple the number of bobbies out onto the beat


Another great benefit is that their presence in these consumer outlets will also help to reduce shoplifting.

But just as worrying is the political influence on our boys and girls in blue.

None more so than those unclear instructions on racist, religious, and ethnic divisive issues, progressively being exploited by violent extremists.

The term extremism is primarily used in a political or religious sense to refer to an ideology that is considered to be far outside the mainstream attitudes of society.

And there's the big clue, outside of our traditional decent societal standards and beliefs.

Surely the police are there to protect the core majority in these respects, instead of seemingly encouraging far-left zealotry protests and their intimidatory displays of hatred.

All of this is essentially making many thousands, potentially millions, of respectable hardworking commuters, residents, and tourists increasingly scared.

We are seeing increasing levels of anti-British and our Christian-based values being almost condemned to the gutter.

Sadiq Khan

Howard Cox claims Sadiq Khan cannot deny that violent crime has become increasingly prevalent in London


Recent protests by masked thugs and laser displays of hate speech on to the Houses of Parliament have been ignored by the Police in situ.

Just this weekend across Oxford Street, the Easter remembrance of the last days and reborn of Jesus Christ have been trumped by an open display of another religious doctrine, Ramadan.

The famous Trocadero in Piccadilly is to be turned into a Mosque too. Both are backed enthusiastically by Sadiq Khan.

Why is the Mayor of London not pushing the UK’s predominant faith? And where is the Archbishop of Canterbury, always quick to be woke, but in this case scared to shout out our Easter traditions? And why are the Police being used as unwilling pawns to protect other cultures, putting the majority of Londoners into a state of fear?

Multiculturism is laudable but not at the expense of our indigenous culture, heritage and security.

It is time for uncompromising action and my common sense recommendations to make London safer.

The police need to do their job and resist the orchestrated overthrow of our capital city by amoebic extremists, that seem to have the blessing of both Labour and the Tories.