Labour has no desire or plan to actually stop the boats, says Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys discusses Labour's bid to smash the gangs

Patrick Christys

By Patrick Christys

Published: 04/11/2024

- 21:40

Updated: 04/11/2024

- 21:41

Today Keir Starmer pledged to give more than £150m of your money to the new Border Security Command

Today Keir Starmer pledged to give more than £150m of your money to the new Border Security Command to help stop the boats.

But there are some key flaws with this non-plan. Firstly, he refuses to leave the ECHR.

So we won't be able to get rid of people like the Ugandan thug who battered a man to death in the back of an ambulance.

Secondly, there's no deterrent, something even ITV's Susannah Reid is now picking up on.

Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys lashed out at Labour


Thirdly, it requires international co-operation that doesn't currently exist.

Yvette Cooper said we can't stop the boats simply by shouting at the sea.

I find that pretty offensive. Labour said they had a plan to smash the gangs and stop the boats... now it turns out they're begging other countries to help us.

People who want to stop the boats aren't just shouting at the sea, Ms Cooper.

October was the highest month for Channel crossings this year with more than 5,000 arrivals.

We know illegal migrants are delighted with the Labour government.

Small boat migrantsSmall boat migrantsPA

And for all his tough talk on the international stage, the ACTIONS of Labour at home are much different.

Labour are set to reopen migrant hotels, and use more of them in the coming years.

Starmer says he wants to treat it as a national emergency...I'm calling BS on that.

But the biggest flaw in Starmer and Cooper's new plan, is their own credibility.

Yvette Cooper posed with a refugees welcome sign and Starmer previously worked as a barrister on behalf of the Refugee Legal Centre and fought to win a case that allowed asylum seekers to have better benefits and living conditions.

Scores of Labour MPs signed a letter to stop the deportation flight of Ernesto Elliott, a man who went on to hack a man to death with a machete in broad daylight.

Starmer can grandstand on the world stage all he likes, but the fact is his own track record, Labour's track record, the Home secretary's track record and their actions here at home suggest there is no desire, or plan, to actually stop the boats.