The great awakening from the nightmare is all around us, says Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver discusses the 'great awakening'

Neil Oliver

By Neil Oliver

Published: 05/02/2024

- 08:05

We live in a world of the absurd, have done for years now...

French writer Voltaire said:

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Absurdity is the new normal, bringing atrocity that bit closer.”

We live in a world of the absurd, have done for years now.

There must be a department of the absurd somewhere, with staff incentivised by bonuses and coming up with the most absurd notions for sale to the public.

Last week it was about a citizen army to fight the Russians. Your Country Needs You. welcome back to 1915 and preparations for the catastrophe of the Somme.

Magic arrows on the floors of supermarkets. Fear stoked that Covid couldn’t get you if were sat down in a restaurant but that it might kill you if you walked to the toilet without a strip of blue paper over your mouth and nose.

In Canada a federal judge ruled last week that PM Justin Trudeau’s use of the Emergencies Act to crush the Freedom Convoy protests by the country’s truckers was unreasonable and violated Charter rights.

Undaunted and unashamed, Trudeau’s government is appealing the decision.

Canadian author Regina Watteel has published a new book, Fisman’s Fraud.

It details the crime committed against the Canadian people when what she calls Hate Science, exploiting imaginary data and excluding real world data, was used to invert reality and to demonise and destroy those who chose not to receive the experimental gene therapies.

Justin Trudeau

Neil Oliver hit out at Justin Trudeau


She details how mainstream media and academic institutions conspired to make impossible the lives of those disinclined to risk the shots – and so emboldened the Canadian government to freeze the bank accounts of those taking part in or supporting the Truckers’ protests, even to throw them in jail.

The truth is out there, and yet those responsible remain in place, moving on to the next absurdity.

It won’t be long before the guilty exonerate themselves of all blame by declaring none of it actually happened, I kid you not.

Canada is the country in which a real-life Nazi was, just last year, treated to a standing ovation in that country’s parliament. Applauded by Justin Trudeau and the rest of the parliamentarians for his efforts to fight the Russians our allies without whom Nazism would have conquered the world.

Beyond absurd, utterly shameful, and yet consequences for Trudeau were there none.

Absurdity is all around.

No functioning border on Britain’s southern coastline, no functioning southern border in the US.

Veteran soldiers and other homeless cold on our streets while migrants are paid to stay in hotels and handed free mobile phones. Someone said this week: “If they can make you believe men can have babies… they’ve got you.”

Trans rights protestors counter-protest a Let Women Speak rally in BelfastTrans rights protestors counter-protest a Let Women Speak rally in BelfastPA

In this world of the absurd we are told men can be women and women can be men.

We are not just told this, we are threatened that if we do not endorse the absurdity we are hateful people liable for prosecution.

Laws are being rewritten to erase the existence of women as an immutable biological fact, so that being a woman is nothing more than a choice available to any and all.

Is this just absurd or is it atrocious?

I say what IS atrocious is the hoax that is the so-called climate crisis.

Billions of pounds and dollars being made by those in control of the propaganda while billions of people are ushered ever closer to the abyss.

There are nearly 8 billion of us alive now and an estimated 4 billion depend on food grown with nitrogen fertilisers. Without those fertilisers, without that food those billions will likely die of man-made starvation.

And yet claims have been made that gas resultant from those fertilisers is bringing planet earth to boiling point.

Neil Oliver

Neil Oliver says the 'great awakening' is all around us


Nothing less than war, attritional war, is being waged on the farmers of the world by authoritarian governments, but in response to that grotesque absurdity those farmers and more and more of the people of the world are standing up and fighting back for the sake of all.

Standing by while millions are denied food would be an atrocity and yet by accepting the nonsense of Net Zero, the global suicide note written on our behalf by transnational entities like the WHO, the WEF and the UN… the claptrap trotted out annually at COP and Davos by corporations like Blackrock, we are doing little more than cheering the arrival of the horsemen of the apocalypse.

CO2, plant food for a greener world, is demonised as poison. This too is absurd.

Those in pursuit of control of information, control of the mainstream media already achieved and control of the internet next up have coined a new term for information they simply don’t like.

This is so-called malinformation, information which is openly and frankly acknowledged as truth, as fact, but truthful facts that get in the way of the powerful having THEIR way.

To paraphrase multi-millionaire climate hoaxer and sometime US presidential candidate Al Gore, malinformation is inconvenient truth.

During the run up to the 2020 US election the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop were deemed malinformation by those backing his dad and though that laptop was real and those damning contents were real, their existence was whitewashed until Biden senior was in the White House.

Talk about influencing an election.

Allegations that Donald Trump colluded with Russia in return for power have been exposed as downright lies, and yet such claims are levelled at the most popular politician in the US to this day.

Former speaker of the house Nancy Pelosi says those protesting the war in Gaza are doing Putin’s bidding.

We are told that unless we are ready to go to war with Russia, Putin will push ever westwards.

War is the ultimate atrocity, leading to slaughter, and yet war is the goal of the governments of the West.

War in Ukraine, in the Middle East, the dream of war with Russia, with Iran, with China, driven as they are by the appetites and wants of those transnational corporations that make all their decisions for them.

All the way back in 1915, during the war that was supposed to end all wars, what an absurd notion that was, another philosopher George Gurdjieff said:

“in times of madness such as wars, men suddenly seem to lose even the small amount of common sense they had and turn into complete automatons, giving themselves over to wholesale destruction in vast numbers, even losing the instinct of self-preservation.

“There are periods in the life of humanity, which generally coincide with the fall of cultures and civilisations, when the masses irretrievably lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by the centuries and millenniums of culture …”

Here's the thing:

Today, it is not the many who would knowingly destroy everything, but the few.

Prepared as they are to wreck our world rather than surrender an iota of their power and wealth.

They would commit all manner of atrocities in our name.

But the masses are increasingly aware of the absurdity, and of the immanence of atrocity.

The great awakening from the nightmare is all around us.

I predict the next global pandemic will be made not of some confected disease but of an overwhelming, enlightening wave of sanity and truth.