After Sue Gray’s resignation, brace yourselves, we’re in for a white knuckle ride under Labour, says Nana Akua

After Sue Gray’s resignation, brace yourselves, we’re in for a white knuckle ride under Labour, says Nana Akua
Nana Akua: We've got five more years of this
Nana Akua

By Nana Akua

Published: 06/10/2024

- 17:02

So now we have a Labour Government that many felt would be honest and far better than the Tories

So now we have a Labour Government that many felt would be honest and far better than the Tories after the Tories failed the country, by bringing us the highest tax burden since the war, and allowing things like EDI (equality diversity and inclusion) to flourish..

The Tories bloated the civil service and don’t get me started on migration..

But is Rachel Reeves, who has recently gone ginger to I suspect soften her look and perhaps the blow, is she about to do the very same thing?

Apparently in her budget at the end of the month, Rachel plans to ease borrowing rules to unlock £50 billion of spending. So basically rewriting fiscal rules so she can increase debt for investment in all these projects that they’re planning..

Nana Akua

Nana Akua hit out at Labour on GB News


We had the Liz Truss mini budget and there has been no end to ministers blaming her for crashing the economy

This would according to the Treasury’s own analysis increase the cost of debt and push up mortgage rates.

Sue GrayFormer senior civil servant Sue Gray joined Labour to become Sir Keir Starmer's chief of staff, igniting the controversyPA

Rachel has repeatedly said she will not play fast and loose with the public finances and will protect working people, but in doing this it is suggested that it could put interest rates up by 1.25 percent, so from 5 percent to 6.25 percent adding an an extra £200 on an average mortgage, which is not great considering rates are falling and there was talk of banks getting into bidding wars..

Does any of this sound familiar? Remember Liz Truss? Rishi Sunak had to take over.

Of all the pledges he made, the only one he kept was halving inflation, now people might say that would’ve happened anyway, but we will never know, so credit where credit is due.., had it gone the other way he would’ve been blamed.

But if there was one thing that I trusted Rishi Sunak on it was his ability to handle the markets and eventually balance the books.

\u200bPrime Minister Sir Keir StarmerPrime Minister Sir Keir Starmer thanked Sue Gray for her workPA

The Tory party were left an austere economy, who can forget Liam Byrne’s note that there was money left when they took over.. We’ve been backtracking ever since, but the green shoots of recovery on the horizon have been crushed by this gloomy government..

Mrs Thatcher was right...

Socialists always run out of other people’s money.

And now we have the sidestepping of Sue Gray..

She was pretty much Keir Starmer's wing woman, her ex-role as chief of staff was meant to get the party ready for government to take the flack and put him in good light, but there's been a lot to take.. Perhaps it's a distraction tactic.. Who knows? She's now the Specialist Envoy for Nations and Regions, which sounds like a made up role.

So get ready folks, we’re in for a white knuckle ride. Time to tighten our belts, we’ve got five years of this..

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