Mercy Muroki: Jailing racists is a victory for people of Britain

Mercy Muroki: Jailing racists is a victory for people of Britain
Mercy mono 4
Mercy Muroki

By Mercy Muroki

Published: 04/11/2021

- 11:11

Updated: 04/11/2021

- 11:12

'The overwhelming majority of people in Britain do want to live in a society where people aren't judged by the colour of their skin, let alone abused for it'

A man who live-streamed a racist rant towards black England players after the Euro 2020 finals has now been jailed for 10 weeks.

Jonathon Best, a 52 year old forklift driver from west London, posted the 18 second rant after Marcus Rashford, Jadon Sancho, and Bukayo Saka missed their penalties against Italy in Julys Euro final, calling them words I will not repeat.

Now, needless to say, Mr Best is evidently a vile individual the likes of whom I hope I never run into for reasons that are obvious just by looking at me. And his arrogance in both having the audacity to post the clip, then refusing to take it down when confronted is a real measure of the man.

He will now spend the next 5 weeks of his life in a jail cell, sadly he'll serve the other half on license because our justice system is pathetic. But, I think we should all be welcoming this judgement as a small victory against the racists who ruin football for everyone else and make our society even more toxic than it already is.

It shouldn't just be left to those who were vocal supporters of BLM and taking the knee to breathe a sigh of relief when the law finally catches up with racists, even those among us who have been critical about BLM should be welcoming this.

Those who are bored of talking about racism should be glad when a racist is punished, because it makes us move a little bit closer to a society where people aren't judged on the colour of their skin.

A society where maybe we won't have to talk about racism all the time. Those who are tired of being called racist when they're not, should be relieved when an actual racist has been exposed for what he is.

We should all be glad – because it's people like Jonathon Best who ruin it for all of us.

The overwhelming majority of people in Britain, I strongly believe, do want to live in a society where people aren't judged by the colour of their skin, let alone abused for it.

So when racists get jail time – great. When they get banned from the game they claim to love – perfect.

We shouldn't see clamping down on actual racists as a victory for BLM, or just a win for staunch racial justice activists.

It's actually also a victory for the good, ordinary, common sense people of Britain who just want us all to get along.

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