With Love Meghan is fake, vacuous and devoid of any real friends, says Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys gives his review of Meghan Markle's new Netflix series
Patrick Christys

By Patrick Christys

Published: 04/03/2025

- 22:39

OPINION: Patrick Christys gives his review of Meghan Markle's new Netflix series

Hey, you’re a single mum of two in Basingstoke. You’ve just come in off the night shift, and you see one of your kids outside eating worms. Your other child actually has worms.

And you turn the TV on and Meghan’s teaching you how to make a rainbow fruit salad. It’s not even her kitchen. The people she surrounds herself with don’t even seem to be her friends.

One of them said, “Oh my gosh, you’re so tall!” Which implies she’s never even met her before. And where are the kids? Where are they? Who’s looking after them while she prances around relentlessly, putting flower petals on stuff?

People are scratching around to save enough money so they can buy somewhere on the outskirts of London, somewhere that the cast of Trainspotting would turn their noses up at that.

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle's new show has been released today


And then, in steams Meghan Markle—Little Miss Relatable—standing in the garden of some other multi-millionaire’s mansion, talking about pulling eggs out of a free-range chicken’s backside with her bare hands, before presumably sprinkling some flower petals on them to feed her kids, who’ve had a hard day of being looked after by the nanny in their other mansion.

People would watch this and think, “Okay, but I don’t have all this space at home.”


And that’s why I think the value of what you’ve done with the idea of urban farming—or even if you’re just in a little flat in London or a small apartment in the city—is what people can do that might feel like they have some small piece of this?

Oh yeah, with your landscaped lawn and your massive pool. And, of course, isn’t it just amazing how good she manages to look while she effortlessly glides through life?

Oh my gosh. Did you see her face at the end of that? The reviews have been universally awful. The Guardian said “Kiss the Netflix deal goodbye. With Love, Meghan is so pointless, it might be the Sussexes' last TV show.”

The New Statesman—another lefty rag—said, “This isn’t her house. Are these people her friends? Can she really cook or garden or do any of the things she coos about in With Love, Meghan?” Even actual mothers are planning it.

A woman on Mumsnet said it made her feel inferior and like a rubbish parent. The only thing Meghan was able to do was trash the Royal Family, and now she’s dining out on that flipping royal title again.

Patrick Christys

Patrick Christys shared his views on the latest series


At one point she said: "I’m a Sussex now. You have kids, and you go no, I share my name with my children. Yes. And that feels so... I didn’t know how meaningful it would be to me, but it just means so much to go this is our family name. Our little family name.”

Meghan expressing wonder there that she now has a family name, like all of us. We all have names. That’s how humans group themselves into families. That’s how we identify ourselves. And then, of course, in comes Harry. Oh yeah, he emerges from somewhere in the garden. Presumably, he chewed through his leash and unshackled himself.

Meghan, you arranged some fruit on a plate, gave kids goodie bags full of seeds and manuka honey, and you were paid something like $100 million for it. But here’s the kicker.

The creativity she’s missed so much. So she had to leave the Royal Family so she could make jam, did she? Well, that’s rubbish because the royal family literally makes jam.

They make their own jam and sell it. In fact, Princess Catherine gave her jam recipe away for free. Harry and Meghan found freedom, did they? Well, I think I need to find the flipping sex bucket.

With Love, Meghan—which is what this abomination is called—is so bad, even Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles might think they got a sweet deal.

It just seems to confirm what we all already knew: their life is fake, vacuous, devoid of any real friends, and horrendously out of touch. They traded the Royal Family for that rubbish.