The BBC is overpaying its Pointless Celebrities and is fast becoming The Weakest Link, says Mark Dolan

The BBC is overpaying its Pointless Celebrities and is fast becoming The Weakest Link, says Mark Dolan

Mark Dolan says the BBC is overpaying its presenters

Mark Dolan

By Mark Dolan

Published: 23/07/2024

- 22:46

Updated: 23/07/2024

- 23:56

No cost of living crisis at the state funded BBC

No cost of living crisis at the state funded BBC.

Shock new figures reveal that Gary Lineker is still top of the big earners’ leaderboard.

Raking in over ÂŁ1.3 million for introducing clips of football whilst BBC lifer Zoe Ball pulls in just shy of a million big ones a year to play records on the radio whilst she sips a Starbucks.

Other coffee brands are available.

Mark Dolan

Mark Dolan has hit out at the BBC


And most shockingly, it’s been revealed today that ex BBC news presenter Huw Edwards – who was suspended in July 2023 - over allegations in The Sun newspaper of paying a young person for sexually explicit photos - well, he managed to "increase" his salary to almost half a million even though he WASN’T ON AIR.

Paid a fortune not to work, welcome, to the BBC.

Meanwhile Greg James, Stephen Nolan and Lauren Laverne – and a bunch of other people you’ve NEVER heard of – between them, will pocket well over, £1.2 million this year.

Would they get that, on the open market? In commercial radio, or on commercial, TV?

Do me a favour. Why does Auntie pay over the odds for its talent?

There is no business - or indeed moral case - for these crazy wages, not when your POOR old granny is threatened, with jail for not forking out ÂŁ160 a year on the license fee.

Gary Lineker BBC

Gary Lineker is the BBC's highest paid presenter


In fact it takes over 8000 grannies just to cover Saint Gary's Lineker’s WAGES.

A man who has shown utter contempt for the BBC's impartiality rules, with his pronouncements on the environment, the government’s RWANDA scheme, and most shockingly, his remarks about the war in Gaza.

The corporation’s IN house newsletter - The Guardian - report that half a million, households, cancelled their license fee, last year alone.

Is it any wonder given a perceived, political bias, unfunny woke comedies, and right-on, finger-wagging storylines on shows like Dr Who and Eastenders.

I like the BBC, it's a great British asset, and I want it to stay.

But the output has to represent the whole of the country, not just Islington. And with an annual income of over ÂŁ5 billion, it should start living within its means.

The BBC is overpaying its pointless celebrities and is fast becoming The Weakest Link.

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