I'm furious at the activist who conflated PC stamp at airport with Manchester Arena bombing - Kelvin MacKenzie

The incident unfolded at Manchester Airport
Kelvin Mackenzie

By Kelvin Mackenzie

Published: 27/07/2024

- 13:02

Updated: 27/07/2024

- 13:07

Kelvin MacKenzie is the former editor of the Sun

I note that the Lefty activists couldn’t wait to come out of the woodwork to give their views about the Manchester police. There’s was one that I found particularly ill judged. It came from Mohammed Shafiq, described as a ‘’community’’ activist in Rochdale.

Mr Shafiq wants Greater Manchester Chief Constable Stephen Watson to come to Rochdale to explain why an officer stamped on a young Muslim and in making his argument said the following to The Times; ‘’ The Muslim community has worked hard to build a relationship with the police, particularly since the Manchester Arena bombing.’’

In what strange world does the arena bombing – carried out by a member of Mr Shafiq’s ‘’community- in which 22 men, women and eight children have anything to do with a kick in the head.

The bombing was a terrorist outrage and the city is still recovering. In fact, there are many families who will never recover from what happened that night.

The bomber, who knew because of the headline artist, there would be many children there, got 55 years. Personally, I would make him serve the sentence and then carry out a death sentence, But that’s me.

I detest the argument conflating what happened at the airport with a brawl between young Muslims and the police. Everybody loses sight of the fact that three officers were taken to hospital after the fight with the female officer having her broken nose.

Not to mention four men, presumably from the ‘’community’’, and aged between 19-31, face various charges of assault of an emergency worker and affray.

Other Lefties popped up during yesterday when they felt they could get their anti-police views on television. Elizabeth Cameron, a previous chair of the Greater Manchester Race Equality Panel, described the video of the kicking as ‘’vile’’ and said such incidents were not just ‘’one-offs’’.

How she can possibly know that the incident was not a ‘’one-off’’ is beyond me.

Another Lefty halfwit, Jack Khan, an ex-Labour councillor, who stood in Bolton for the George Galloway’s Workers Party, chipped warned that unless all the officers involved were arrested ‘’immediately’’ there would be ‘’big protests like you have never seen before.’’.

I doubt that. Outside the Lefties and the local Muslims most reasonable people would take the view the sequence of events which led to the incident is confused at best, involving a Muslim mother, a punch-up between the ‘’community’’ and the police trying to arrest the participants. I think I’m on the MP’s side when he said the cops deserve a medal.

The clue to the truth of the incident lies with the calm and diplomatic approach to the incident coming from Andy Burnham, the Mayor of Greater Manchester. He revealed he had seen more than the clip and basically said there was much more to the story.

I believe that.

What worries me is that this is the second time in a week or so where a minority community has created national headlines claiming they were being singled out by the authorities.

It is the price we are paying for being attractive and welcoming to people from all the world over. There will be more of this.

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