What is Labour's REAL agenda for Britain? It's certainly NOT for the working man - Sally Ann Hart

Sally-Ann Hart

By Sally-Ann Hart

Published: 23/08/2024

- 15:23

Updated: 26/08/2024

- 09:05

Sally Ann-Hart was Conservative MP for Hastings and Rye

The Labour Party promised transformative change for Britain; a vision to rebuild the country so that it ‘once again serves the interests of working people,’ that if you ‘work hard your contribution will be respected and give you a fair chance to get on.’ Labour promised economic stability with responsible spending, generating wealth to grow our economy, keeping taxes, inflation and mortgages ‘as low as possible.’

Judging from Labour’s first few weeks in power, “Change” has arrived in all its dark glory.

But this is not the Change that the people of this country were promised by Labour less than two months ago. It is Change back to old-style Labour socialist economic and social policies, and of redistribution.

Forget the promise to deliver economic stability – that is already gone in a puff of wind.

Starmer and his team are dropping to their knees again, this time to their union paymasters; agreeing humongous, unaffordable pay rises with no strings attached. How will this be paid for?

People will need to work harder to fund the State, but what will motivate them to do so?

Labour’s real agenda for this great country is to drag us back to the failed socialist policies of the 1970s - and try them again.

The politics of envy, increased regulation, taxes and State control, delivered by policies that crush ambition, success and wealth generation; an agenda which ostensibly promotes equality, but where some people are more equal than others, dependent on identity politics; an agenda which is ashamed of our country and our proud history and seeks to divide and rule, rather than unite and build; an agenda for social transformation by re-engineering the British public, businesses and profitability; an agenda to level down, not level up.

Disturbingly, it is also clear that this Labour Government’s agenda includes crushing freedom of speech – with any view out of line with theirs, termed “far-right”.

Labour claims to represent working people, but their actions suggest otherwise.

They dismiss the ordinary citizens who supported them for decades; especially those same people who rose up in their millions to vote for Brexit who shifted their support to the Conservatives in 2019 to achieve their aim.

They treat those who have achieved success through hard graft with scorn – punishing them with higher taxes to fund those who are able to work, but choose not to, and use the welfare state as a way of life rather than a safety net.

The Left’s purported compassion consistently falls short, taking their traditional voters for granted while revealing a deep-seated disdain for the very people they claim to champion.

Remember the white van man sneered at by Labour MP Emily Thornbury, Lady Nugee, for displaying the Cross of St George?


Labour’s recent attacks on pensioners, savers and private schools expose its true colours. By discouraging hard work and self-reliance, Labour aims to make people more dependent on an increasingly bloated State, funded by draining the private sector and increased taxes.

We have experienced the reality of Labour governments; left-wing policies do not raise living standards, foster economic growth or create an environment where the private sector can create jobs.

Britain needs leaders who create improved opportunities for everyone, fostering high aspirations and expectations for all British citizens, not just the few.

Labour, contrary to its claims, is not the defender of the downtrodden, but tramples on the dreams and aspirations of those who do not align with their cultural or political views.

We must not allow Labour’s real agenda to limit our nation’s success.